pub struct CircuitGate<F: PrimeField> {
    pub typ: GateType,
    pub wires: GateWires,
    pub coeffs: Vec<F>,
Expand description

A single gate in a circuit.


§typ: GateType

type of the gate

§wires: GateWires

gate wiring (for each cell, what cell it is wired to)

§coeffs: Vec<F>

public selector polynomials that can used as handy coefficients in gates



impl<F> CircuitGate<F>where F: PrimeField,


pub fn new(typ: GateType, wires: GateWires, coeffs: Vec<F>) -> Self


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn zero(wires: GateWires) -> Self

this function creates “empty” circuit gate


pub fn verify<G: KimchiCurve<ScalarField = F>, OpeningProof: OpenProof<G>>( &self, row: usize, witness: &[Vec<F>; 15], index: &ProverIndex<G, OpeningProof>, public: &[F] ) -> Result<(), String>

This function verifies the consistency of the wire assignments (witness) against the constraints


Will give error if verify process returns error.


pub fn verify_witness<G: KimchiCurve<ScalarField = F>>( &self, row: usize, witness: &[Vec<F>; 15], cs: &ConstraintSystem<F>, _public: &[F] ) -> CircuitGateResult<()>

Verify the witness against the constraints


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn extend_and(gates: &mut Vec<Self>, bytes: usize) -> usize

Extends an AND gadget for bytes length. The full operation being performed is the following: a AND b = 1/2 * (a + b - (a XOR b)) Includes:

  • num_xors Xor16 gates to perform xor = a XOR b
  • 1 Generic gate to constrain the final row to be zero with itself
  • 1 double Generic gate to perform the AND operation as a + b = sum and 2 * and = sum - xor Input:
  • gates : vector of circuit gates comprising the full circuit
  • bytes : number of bytes of the AND operation Output:
  • next_row : next row after this gate Warning:
  • if there’s any public input for the and, don’t forget to wire it

impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn verify_complete_add( &self, row: usize, witness: &[Vec<F>; 15] ) -> Result<(), String>

Check the correctness of witness values for a complete-add gate.


Will give error if the gate value validations are not met.


Will panic if multiplicative inverse operation between gate values fails.


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn verify_endomul_scalar<G: KimchiCurve<ScalarField = F>>( &self, row: usize, witness: &[Vec<F>; 15], _cs: &ConstraintSystem<F> ) -> Result<(), String>

Verify the EndoMulscalar gate.


Will give error if self.typ is not GateType::EndoMulScalar, or there are errors in gate values.


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>

Implementation of group endomorphism optimised variable base scalar multiplication custom Plonk constraints.


pub fn create_endomul(wires: GateWires) -> Self


pub fn verify_endomul<G: KimchiCurve<ScalarField = F>>( &self, row: usize, witness: &[Vec<F>; 15], cs: &ConstraintSystem<F> ) -> Result<(), String>

Verify the EndoMul gate.


Will give error if self.typ is not GateType::EndoMul, or constraint evaluation fails.


pub fn endomul(&self) -> F


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn create_chain_ffadd( start_row: usize, opcodes: &[FFOps], foreign_field_modulus: &BigUint ) -> (usize, Vec<Self>)

Create foreign field addition gate chain without range checks (needs to wire the range check for result bound manually)

  • Inputs
    • starting row
    • operations to perform
    • modulus of the foreign field
  • Outputs tuple (next_row, circuit_gates) where
    • next_row - next row after this gate
    • circuit_gates - vector of circuit gates comprising this gate

Note that the final structure of the circuit is as follows: circuit_gates = [ { (i) -> -> 1 ForeignFieldAdd row } * num times (n) -> 1 ForeignFieldAdd row (this is where the final result goes) (n+1) -> 1 Zero row for bound result ]


  • Wire the range check for result bound manually
  • Connect to public input containing the 1 value for the overflow in the final bound check
  • If the inputs of the addition come from public input, wire it as well

pub fn create_single_ffadd( start_row: usize, operation: FFOps, foreign_field_modulus: &BigUint ) -> (usize, Vec<Self>)

Create a single foreign field addition gate. This is used for example in the final bound check.

  • Inputs
    • starting row
    • operation to perform
    • modulus of the foreign field
  • Outputs tuple (next_row, circuit_gates) where
    • next_row - next row after this gate
    • circuit_gates - vector of circuit gates comprising this gate

pub fn extend_chain_ffadd( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, pub_row: usize, curr_row: &mut usize, opcodes: &[FFOps], foreign_field_modulus: &BigUint )

Extend a chain of foreign field addition gates. It already wires 1 value to the overflow cell.

  • Inputs
    • gates: vector of gates to extend
    • pub_row: row of the public input
    • curr_row: mutable reference to the current row
    • opcodes: operations to perform
    • foreign_field_modulus: modulus of the foreign field

pub fn extend_single_ffadd( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, curr_row: &mut usize, operation: FFOps, foreign_field_modulus: &BigUint )

Extend a single foreign field addition gate followed by a zero row containing the result


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn create_foreign_field_mul( start_row: usize, foreign_field_modulus: &BigUint ) -> (usize, Vec<Self>)

Create foreign field multiplication gate Inputs the starting row Outputs tuple (next_row, circuit_gates) where next_row - next row after this gate circuit_gates - vector of circuit gates comprising this gate


pub fn extend_foreign_field_mul( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, curr_row: &mut usize, foreign_field_modulus: &BigUint )

Create foreign field multiplication gate by extending the existing gates


pub fn extend_high_bounds( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, curr_row: &mut usize, foreign_field_modulus: &BigUint )


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn verify_generic( &self, row: usize, witness: &[Vec<F>; 15], public: &[F] ) -> Result<(), String>

verifies that the generic gate constraints are solved by the witness


Will give error if self.typ is not GateType::Generic.


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn create_generic(wires: GateWires, c: [F; 10]) -> Self

This allows you to create two generic gates that will fit in one row, check Self::create_generic_gadget for a better to way to create these gates.


pub fn create_generic_gadget( wires: GateWires, gate1: GenericGateSpec<F>, gate2: Option<GenericGateSpec<F>> ) -> Self

This allows you to create two generic gates by passing the desired gate1 and gate2 as two GenericGateSpec.


pub fn extend_generic( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, curr_row: &mut usize, wires: GateWires, gate1: GenericGateSpec<F>, gate2: Option<GenericGateSpec<F>> )


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn extend_not_gadget_unchecked_length( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, n: usize, pub_row: usize ) -> usize

Extends a bitwise negation gadget with n NOT components of some length previously constrained using a generic gate (checking that a cell stores 2^bits-1 value). Assumes that the inputs are known to have at most bits length. Starts the gates in the new_row position. Includes:

  • ceil(n/2) Double Generic gates to perform the ( 2^(bits) - 1 ) - input operation for every two inputs in each row Input:
  • gates : full circuit
  • n : number of negations to perform
  • pub_row : row containing the public input with the all-one word of the given length Important:
  • If the bit length of the input is not fixed, then it must be constrained somewhere else.
  • Otherwise, use the extend_neg_checked_length instead (but this one requires about 8 times more rows). Warning:
  • don’t forget to include a public input in pub_row to constrain the left of each generic gate for negation to be 2^bits - 1

pub fn extend_not_gadget_checked_length( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, all_ones_row: usize, bits: usize ) -> usize

Extends a NOT gadget for bits length using Xor gates. It implicitly constrains the length of the input to be at most 16 * num_xors bits. Includes:

  • num_xors Xor16 gates
  • 1 Generic gate to constrain the final row to be zero with itself Input:
  • gates : full circuit
  • pub_row : row containing the public input with the all-one word of the given length
  • bits : number of bits of the input Precndition:
  • 1 initial public input generic gate in all_ones_row to constrain the input to be 2^bits-1. Warning:
  • don’t forget to connect the left input to a public input row containing the 2^bits - 1 value

impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn create_poseidon(wires: GateWires, coeffs: [[F; 3]; 5]) -> Self


pub fn create_poseidon_gadget( row: usize, first_and_last_row: [GateWires; 2], round_constants: &[Vec<F>] ) -> (Vec<Self>, usize)

create_poseidon_gadget(row, first_and_last_row, round_constants) creates an entire set of constraint for a Poseidon hash. For that, you need to pass:

  • the index of the first row
  • the first and last rows’ wires (because they are used in the permutation)
  • the round constants The function returns a set of gates, as well as the next pointer to the circuit (next empty absolute row)

pub fn verify_poseidon<G: KimchiCurve<ScalarField = F>>( &self, row: usize, witness: &[Vec<F>; 15] ) -> Result<(), String>

Checks if a witness verifies a poseidon gate


Will give error if self.typ is not Poseidon gate, or state does not match after permutation.


pub fn ps(&self) -> F


pub fn rc(&self) -> [[F; 3]; 5]

round constant that are relevant for this specific gate


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn create_multi_range_check(start_row: usize) -> (usize, Vec<Self>)

Create range check gate for constraining three 88-bit values. Inputs the starting row Outputs tuple (next_row, circuit_gates) where next_row - next row after this gate circuit_gates - vector of circuit gates comprising this gate


pub fn create_compact_multi_range_check(start_row: usize) -> (usize, Vec<Self>)

Create range check gate for constraining compact limbs. Inputs the starting row Outputs tuple (next_row, circuit_gates) where next_row - next row after this gate circuit_gates - vector of circuit gates comprising this gate


pub fn extend_multi_range_check(gates: &mut Vec<Self>, curr_row: &mut usize)

Create foreign field muti-range-check gadget by extending the existing gates


pub fn extend_compact_multi_range_check( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, curr_row: &mut usize )

Create foreign field muti-range-check gadget by extending the existing gates


pub fn create_range_check(start_row: usize) -> (usize, Vec<Self>)

Create single range check gate Inputs the starting row Outputs tuple (next_row, circuit_gates) where next_row - next row after this gate circuit_gates - vector of circuit gates comprising this gate


pub fn extend_range_check(gates: &mut Vec<Self>, curr_row: &mut usize)

Create foreign field range-check gate by extending the existing gates


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn create_rot64(new_row: usize, rot: u32) -> Vec<Self>

Creates a Rot64 gadget to rotate a word It will need:

  • 1 Generic gate to constrain to zero the top 2 limbs of the shifted and excess witness of the rotation

It has:

  • 1 Rot64 gate to rotate the word
  • 1 RangeCheck0 to constrain the size of the shifted witness of the rotation
  • 1 RangeCheck0 to constrain the size of the excess witness of the rotation Assumes:
  • the witness word is 64-bits, otherwise, will need to append a new RangeCheck0 for the word

pub fn extend_rot( gates: &mut Vec<Self>, rot: u32, side: RotMode, zero_row: usize ) -> usize

Extend one rotation Right now it only creates a Generic gate followed by the Rot64 gates It allows to configure left or right rotation. Input:

  • gates : the full circuit
  • rot : the rotation offset
  • side : the rotation side
  • zero_row : the row of the Generic gate to constrain the 64-bit check of shifted word Warning:
  • witness word should come from the copy of another cell so it is intrinsic that it is 64-bits length,
  • same with rotated word

pub fn create_rot(new_row: usize, rot: u32, side: RotMode) -> (usize, Vec<Self>)

Create one rotation Right now it only creates a Generic gate followed by the Rot64 gates It allows to configure left or right rotation. Input:

  • rot : the rotation offset
  • side : the rotation side Warning:
  • Word should come from the copy of another cell so it is intrinsic that it is 64-bits length,
  • same with rotated word
  • need to check that the 2 most significant limbs of shifted are zero

impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn create_cairo_claim(wires: GateWires) -> Self

This function creates a CairoClaim gate


pub fn create_cairo_instruction(wires: GateWires) -> Self

This function creates a CairoInstruction gate


pub fn create_cairo_flags(wires: GateWires) -> Self

This function creates a CairoFlags gate


pub fn create_cairo_transition(wires: GateWires) -> Self

This function creates a CairoTransition gate


pub fn create_cairo_gadget(row: usize, num: usize) -> (Vec<Self>, usize)

Gadget generator of the whole cairo circuits from an absolute row and number of instructions Returns a vector of gates, and the next available row after the gadget


pub fn verify_cairo_gate<G: KimchiCurve<ScalarField = F>>( &self, row: usize, witness: &[Vec<F>; 15], cs: &ConstraintSystem<F> ) -> Result<(), String>

verifies that the Cairo gate constraints are solved by the witness depending on its type


Will give error if constraint evaluation is invalid.


Will panic if constraint linearization fails.


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn create_vbmul(wires: &[GateWires; 2]) -> Vec<Self>


pub fn verify_vbmul( &self, _row: usize, _witness: &[Vec<F>; 15] ) -> Result<(), String>

Verify the GateType::VarBaseMul(TODO)




pub fn vbmul(&self) -> F


impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F>


pub fn extend_xor_gadget(gates: &mut Vec<Self>, bits: usize) -> usize

Extends a XOR gadget for bits length to a circuit Includes:

  • num_xors Xor16 gates
  • 1 Generic gate to constrain the final row to be zero with itself Input:
  • gates : vector of circuit gates
  • bits : length of the XOR gadget Output:
  • new row index

pub fn create_xor_gadget(new_row: usize, bits: usize) -> (usize, Vec<Self>)

Creates a XOR gadget for bits length Includes:

  • num_xors Xor16 gates
  • 1 Generic gate to constrain the final row to be zero with itself Input:
  • new_row : row to start the XOR gadget
  • bits : number of bits in the XOR Outputs tuple (next_row, circuit_gates) where
  • next_row : next row after this gate
  • gates : vector of circuit gates comprising this gate Warning:
  • don’t forget to check that the final row is all zeros as in extend_xor_gadget

Trait Implementations§


impl<F: Clone + PrimeField> Clone for CircuitGate<F>


fn clone(&self) -> CircuitGate<F>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<F: Debug + PrimeField> Debug for CircuitGate<F>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<F: Default + PrimeField> Default for CircuitGate<F>


fn default() -> CircuitGate<F>

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl<'de, F: PrimeField> Deserialize<'de> for CircuitGate<F>


fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer: __D) -> Result<Self, __D::Error>where __D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<F, CamlF> From<&CircuitGate<F>> for CamlCircuitGate<CamlF>where CamlF: From<F>, F: PrimeField,


fn from(cg: &CircuitGate<F>) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<F, CamlF> From<CamlCircuitGate<CamlF>> for CircuitGate<F>where F: From<CamlF> + PrimeField,


fn from(ccg: CamlCircuitGate<CamlF>) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<F, CamlF> From<CircuitGate<F>> for CamlCircuitGate<CamlF>where CamlF: From<F>, F: PrimeField,


fn from(cg: CircuitGate<F>) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<F: PrimeField> Serialize for CircuitGate<F>


fn serialize<__S>(&self, __serializer: __S) -> Result<__S::Ok, __S::Error>where __S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<F> RefUnwindSafe for CircuitGate<F>where F: RefUnwindSafe,


impl<F> Send for CircuitGate<F>


impl<F> Sync for CircuitGate<F>


impl<F> Unpin for CircuitGate<F>where F: Unpin,


impl<F> UnwindSafe for CircuitGate<F>where F: UnwindSafe,

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> Pointable for T


const ALIGN: usize = mem::align_of::<T>()

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T> Same<T> for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for Twhere T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for Twhere V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> DeserializeOwned for Twhere T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,