1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
//! This module includes the AND gadget implementation and the witness creation code.
//! Note that this module does not need any new gate type for the AND operation.
use std::array;
use super::{
xor::{init_xor, num_xors},
use crate::circuits::{
gate::{CircuitGate, Connect},
tables::{GateLookupTable, LookupTable},
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use num_bigint::BigUint;
use o1_utils::{BigUintFieldHelpers, BigUintHelpers, BitwiseOps, FieldHelpers, Two};
//~ We implement the AND gadget making use of the XOR gadget and the Generic gate. A new gate type is not needed, but we could potentially
//~ add an `And16` gate type reusing the same ideas of `Xor16` so as to save one final generic gate, at the cost of one additional AND
//~ lookup table that would have the same size as that of the Xor.
//~ For now, we are willing to pay this small overhead and produce AND gadget as follows:
//~ We observe that we can express bitwise addition as follows:
//~ $$A + B = (A \oplus B) + 2 \cdot (A \wedge B)$$
//~ where $\oplus$ is the bitwise XOR operation, $\wedge$ is the bitwise AND operation, and $+$ is the addition operation.
//~ In other words, the value of the addition is nothing but the XOR of its operands, plus the carry bit if both operands are 1.
//~ Thus, we can rewrite the above equation to obtain a definition of the AND operation as follows:
//~ $$A \wedge B = \frac{A + B - (A \oplus B)}{2}$$
//~ Let us define the following operations for better readability:
//~ ```text
//~ a + b = sum
//~ a x b = xor
//~ a ^ b = and
//~ ```
//~ Then, we can rewrite the above equation as follows:
//~ $$ 2 \cdot and = sum - xor $$
//~ which can be expressed as a double generic gate.
//~ Then, our AND gadget for $n$ bytes looks as follows:
//~ * $n/8$ Xor16 gates
//~ * 1 (single) Generic gate to check that the final row of the XOR chain is all zeros.
//~ * 1 (double) Generic gate to check sum $a + b = sum$ and the conjunction equation $2\cdot and = sum - xor$.
//~ Finally, we connect the wires in the following positions (apart from the ones already connected for the XOR gates):
//~ * Column 2 of the first Xor16 row (the output of the XOR operation) is connected to the right input of the second generic operation of the last row.
//~ * Column 2 of the first generic operation of the last row is connected to the left input of the second generic operation of the last row.
//~ Meaning,
//~ * the `xor` in `a x b = xor` is connected to the `xor` in `2 \cdot and = sum - xor`
//~ * the `sum` in `a + b = sum` is connected to the `sum` in `2 \cdot and = sum - xor`
impl<F: PrimeField> CircuitGate<F> {
/// Extends an AND gadget for `bytes` length.
/// The full operation being performed is the following:
/// `a AND b = 1/2 * (a + b - (a XOR b))`
/// Includes:
/// - num_xors Xor16 gates to perform `xor = a XOR b`
/// - 1 Generic gate to constrain the final row to be zero with itself
/// - 1 double Generic gate to perform the AND operation as `a + b = sum` and `2 * and = sum - xor`
/// Input:
/// - gates : vector of circuit gates comprising the full circuit
/// - bytes : number of bytes of the AND operation
/// Output:
/// - next_row : next row after this gate
/// Warning:
/// - if there's any public input for the and, don't forget to wire it
pub fn extend_and(gates: &mut Vec<Self>, bytes: usize) -> usize {
assert!(bytes > 0, "Bytes must be a positive number");
let xor_row = gates.len();
let and_row = Self::extend_xor_gadget(gates, bytes * 8);
let (_, mut and_gates) = Self::create_and(and_row, bytes);
// extend the whole circuit with the AND gadget
gates.append(&mut and_gates);
// connect the XOR inputs to the inputs of the first generic gate
gates.connect_cell_pair((xor_row, 0), (and_row, 0));
gates.connect_cell_pair((xor_row, 1), (and_row, 1));
// connect the sum output of the first generic gate to the left input of the second generic gate
gates.connect_cell_pair((and_row, 2), (and_row, 3));
// connect the XOR output to the right input of the second generic gate
gates.connect_cell_pair((xor_row, 2), (and_row, 4));
// Creates an AND gadget for `bytes` length.
// The full operation being performed is the following:
// `a AND b = 1/2 * (a + b - (a XOR b))`
// Includes:
// - 1 double Generic gate to perform the AND operation as `a + b = sum` and `2 * and = sum - xor`
// Input:
// - new_row : row where the AND generic gate starts
// - bytes : number of bytes of the AND operation
// Outputs tuple (next_row, circuit_gates) where
// - next_row : next row after this gate
// - gates : vector of circuit gates comprising the AND double generic gate
// Warning:
// - don't forget to connect the wiring from the and
fn create_and(new_row: usize, bytes: usize) -> (usize, Vec<Self>) {
assert!(bytes > 0, "Bytes must be a positive number");
// a + b = sum
let sum = GenericGateSpec::Add {
left_coeff: None,
right_coeff: None,
output_coeff: None,
// 2 * and = sum - xor
let and = GenericGateSpec::Add {
left_coeff: None,
right_coeff: Some(-F::one()),
output_coeff: Some(-F::two()),
let gates = vec![(Self::create_generic_gadget(Wire::for_row(new_row), sum, Some(and)))];
(new_row + gates.len(), gates)
/// Get the AND lookup table
pub fn lookup_table<F: PrimeField>() -> LookupTable<F> {
/// Create a And for inputs as field elements starting at row 0
/// Input: first input, second input, and desired byte length
/// Panics if the input is too large for the chosen number of bytes
pub fn create_and_witness<F: PrimeField>(input1: F, input2: F, bytes: usize) -> [Vec<F>; COLUMNS] {
let input1_big = input1.to_biguint();
let input2_big = input2.to_biguint();
if bytes * 8 < input1_big.bitlen() || bytes * 8 < input2_big.bitlen() {
panic!("Bytes must be greater or equal than the inputs length");
// Compute BigUint output of AND, XOR
let big_and = BigUint::bitwise_and(&input1_big, &input2_big, bytes);
let big_xor = BigUint::bitwise_xor(&input1_big, &input2_big);
// Transform BigUint values to field elements
let xor = big_xor.to_field().unwrap();
let and = big_and.to_field().unwrap();
let sum = input1 + input2;
let and_row = num_xors(bytes * 8) + 1;
let mut and_witness: [Vec<F>; COLUMNS] = array::from_fn(|_| vec![F::zero(); and_row + 1]);
init_xor(&mut and_witness, 0, bytes * 8, (input1, input2, xor));
// Fill in double generic witness
and_witness[0][and_row] = input1;
and_witness[1][and_row] = input2;
and_witness[2][and_row] = sum;
and_witness[3][and_row] = sum;
and_witness[4][and_row] = xor;
and_witness[5][and_row] = and;
/// Extends an AND witness to the whole witness
/// Input: first input, second input, and desired byte length
/// Panics if the input is too large for the chosen number of bytes
pub fn extend_and_witness<F: PrimeField>(
witness: &mut [Vec<F>; COLUMNS],
input1: F,
input2: F,
bytes: usize,
) {
let and_witness = create_and_witness(input1, input2, bytes);
for col in 0..COLUMNS {