
A “commitment scheme” is a cryptographic scheme that lets us provide a “commitment” to a given piece of data, in such a way that we can later “open” that commitment.

I recommend checking out section 2.4.1 of David’s book Real-World Cryptography. There are two properties we typically expect of our commitment schemes:

  • Hiding. A commitment to a piece of data should not reveal anything about that data.

  • Binding. There should be no ambiguity about what data is committed to. That is, it should not be possible for the committer to open the commitment to a piece of data other than the one they originally committed to.

There are various kinds of commitments that allow opening in different ways, revealing only part of the data, or some function of the data. Sometimes it is even useful to elide the hiding property entirely— so-called non-hiding commitments.

Simple commitments

The simplest kind of a commitment is one in which opening reveals all of the underlying data. Let’s give a simple construction of such a scheme for committing to field elements. Suppose we have

  • a prime order field, with being rather large (say on the order of ).

  • A hash function .

Then we define

The argument of the function is data that must only be known to the committer (until the commitment is opened). When a committer wants to commit to a field element , they sample a random “blinder” and hash it together with to form the commitment.

To open the commitment , they simply provide the committed value together with the blinder. Alternatively, if the verifier already knows , they can just provide , i.e. . Finally, given the commitment and the opening, we can verify whether the input was the value originally committed to using the function.

If the hash function is collision-resistant, then this function is binding (because there’s no way the committer could find another preimage of ).

If the hash function is one-way, then this commitment is also hiding (assuming is revealed only as part of the opening).

Commitments are often used in protocols between provers and verifiers. The following illustration provides an example with a prover named Peggy and a verifier named Victor.

Here Peggy commits to an input using a blinder, obtains the commitment and sends it to Victor. The interlocutors continue their protocol, but eventually to convince Victor of her claims, Peggy must send the opening proof to her earlier commitment. Victor verifies the opening (i.e. the input and blinder) against the commitment. If the verification fails, then Victor knows that Peggy was trying to trick him, otherwise Victor has sufficient assurances that Peggy was telling the truth.

Algebraic and homomorphic commitments

Instead of a cryptographic hash function, we can use elliptic curve scalar multiplication to construct a commitment scheme. Here scalar multiplication is used like a one-way function based on the hardness assumption of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). Suppose we have

  • a prime order field, with being large (e.g. something like ).
  • Publicly agreed generator point over an elliptic curve
  • Another publicly agreed curve point for which no one knows the discrete logarithm

where is the value being committed to, is a random blinding factor and the commitment is a curve point.

These commitments are algebraic (i.e. they do not use a boolean-based cryptographic hash function) and have homomorphic properties: you can add commitments together to form another commitment of the added committed values. For example, if you have commitments and , you can perform:

In other words, the sum of commitments and is equal to the commitment of the sum of the two committed values and and blinders and . This is possible because in such a scheme scaling is commutative with adding scalars.

As a cryptographic primitive, the ability to find a public curve point for which no one knows the discrete logarithm may, at first, seem rather mind-blowing and powerful.

Actually, it’s as easy as it is awesome to find such a point— simply perform rejection sampling by cryptographically hashing (or, respectively, the hash output), using the output as the -coordinate of a candidate point on and checking whether it’s valid. The first valid curve point obtained is and by the hardness assumption of the ECDLP, no one knows it.

Since approximately half of the hash outputs will be valid curve points on , sampling will terminate very quickly. Indeed, as we will see later, this process can be used to sample many public curve points for which the discrete logarithms are unknown; the so-called hash to curve algorithm.

Pedersen commitments

The homomorphic commitment described above is known as a Pedersen commitment. If you remove the term you get a non-hiding commitment, called a Pedersen hash. Both rely on the ECDLP hardness assumption.

This means that, at least theoretically, you might be lucky (or have a quantum computer) and figure out that , which would allow you to find different values and to open the commitment. We say that pedersen commitments are computationally binding and not unconditionally binding. For example, you could express alternatively as and compute a satisfying opening pair and .

On the other hand, Pedersen commitments are unconditionally hiding, as there is no way (even with a magic computer) to reveal what is without knowing . Lack of perfect binding is the reason why most of the “proofs” we will see later in this book are not referred to as proofs, but instead are referred to as arguments of knowledge (although we may care little about this distinction). Just remember that you need perfect binding to be called a proof.

Interestingly, it is impossible to have a commitment scheme that has both perfect hiding and perfect binding.

To recap, in cryptography the following distinctions are important

  • Perfect. The property that an algorithm is statistically sound without hardness assumptions, also known as unconditional or statistical soundness.

  • Computational. The algorithm relies on a hardness assumption or computational limitation for soundness.

Thus, said another way, Pedersen commitments provide perfect hiding and computational binding.

Vector commitments

We can commit to several values by sending separate Pedersen commitments to all of these values as such:

But we can instead batch/aggregate all of these commitments together as a single commitment:

with independent bases with unknown discrete logarithms.

If you represent s and the s as two vectors and , we can quickly write the previous statement as an inner product

Vector commitments (sometimes referred to as multi-commitments) are a powerful construction because an arbitrarily large vector can be committed with a single curve point.

The naive approach to constructing an opening proof for a length vector commitment has size . It is simply the tuple . As we will see later, opening proofs for vector commitments is an interesting topic and there is a much more efficient algorithm.

Polynomial commitments

To construct SNARKs we use polynomial commitments. A polynomial commitment scheme for a field (or it could even be a ring) is a way of committing to a polynomial to get a commitment , in such a way that for any , you can provide , along with an “opening proof” that proves that the polynomial committed to in equals when evaluated at .

In other words, it is a type of commitment , a type of randomness , a type of opening proof along with algorithms

such that for any , we have

and if then it is not possible to compute such that

In other words, if then every which is feasible to compute results in .

One thing that’s pretty cool is that because polynomial commitment schemes let you construct zk-SNARKs, polynomial commitment schemes imply commitment schemes with arbitrary opening functionality. TODO

Constructing polynomial commitment schemes

All known constructions of polynomial commitment schemes are a bit complicated. The easiest to describe is called the Kate (pronounced “kah-TAY”) scheme, also known as “KZG”. It requires a “prime-order group with a pairing”, which is three groups of prime order (hence, all isomorphic cyclic groups) together with a function such that for any , , , we have

is called a “pairing” or a “bilinear pairing”. What this lets us do is “multiply in the scalar” but only once.

Fix a degree bound on the polynomials we would like to be able to commit to. The KZG scheme, will let us commit to polynomials in . As a preliminary, fix generators arbitrarily.

The first thing to know about the KZG scheme is it requires that we randomly sample some group elements to help us. This is the dreaded and much discussed trusted setup. So, anyway, we start by sampling at random from and computing for ,

And then throw away . The security depends on no one knowing , which is sometimes referred to as the toxic waste of the trusted setup. Basically we compute the generator scaled by powers of up to the degree bound. We make a security assumption about the groups which says that all anyone can really do with group elements is take linear combinations of them.

Now suppose we have a polynomial with that we would like to commit to. We will describe a version of the scheme that is binding but not hiding, so it may leak information about the polynomial. Now, to commit to , we compute

so that and

So is scaled by and the fact that is an -module (i.e. a vector space whose scalars come from ) means we can compute from the and the coefficients of without knowing .

Now how does opening work? Well, say we want to open at a point to . Then the polynomial vanishes at , which means that it is divisible by the polynomial (exercise, use polynomial division and analyze the remainder).

So, the opener can compute the polynomial

and commit to it as above to get a commitment . And will be the opening proof. It remains only to describe verification. It works like this

This amounts to checking: “is the polynomial committed to equal to the polynomial committed to by times ”?

To see why, remember that , and say and so we are checking

which by the bilinearity of the pairing is the same as checking

Bootleproof inner product argument