pub trait FoldingConfig: Debug + 'static {
    type Column: FoldingColumnTrait + Debug + Eq + Hash;
    type Selector: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Copy + Ord + PartialOrd;
    type Challenge: Clone + Copy + Debug + Eq + Hash;
    type Curve: CommitmentCurve;
    type Srs: SRS<Self::Curve>;
    type Instance: Instance<Self::Curve> + Clone;
    type Witness: Witness<Self::Curve> + Clone;
    type Structure: Clone;
    type Env: FoldingEnv<<Self::Curve as AffineRepr>::ScalarField, Self::Instance, Self::Witness, Self::Column, Self::Challenge, Self::Selector, Structure = Self::Structure>;

Required Associated Types§


type Column: FoldingColumnTrait + Debug + Eq + Hash


type Selector: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Copy + Ord + PartialOrd


type Challenge: Clone + Copy + Debug + Eq + Hash

The type of an abstract challenge that can be found in the expressions provided as constraints.


type Curve: CommitmentCurve

The target curve used by the polynomial commitment


type Srs: SRS<Self::Curve>

The SRS used by the polynomial commitment. The SRS is used to commit to the additional columns that are added by the quadraticization.


type Instance: Instance<Self::Curve> + Clone

For Plonk, it will be the commitments to the polynomials and the challenges


type Witness: Witness<Self::Curve> + Clone

For PlonK, it will be the polynomials in evaluation form that we commit to, i.e. the columns. In the generic prover/verifier, it would be kimchi_msm::witness::Witness.


type Structure: Clone


type Env: FoldingEnv<<Self::Curve as AffineRepr>::ScalarField, Self::Instance, Self::Witness, Self::Column, Self::Challenge, Self::Selector, Structure = Self::Structure>



impl<G, Col, Chall, Sel, Str, I, W, Srs> FoldingConfig for StandardConfig<G, Col, Chall, I, W, Srs, Sel, Str>where Self: 'static, G: CommitmentCurve, I: Instance<G> + Index<Chall, Output = G::ScalarField> + Clone, W: Witness<G> + Clone + Index<Col, Output = [G::ScalarField]> + Index<Sel, Output = [G::ScalarField]>, Srs: SRS<G>, Col: Hash + Eq + Debug + Clone + FoldingColumnTrait, Sel: Ord + Copy + Hash + Debug, Chall: Hash + Eq + Debug + Copy, Str: Clone + Index<Col, Output = [G::ScalarField]>,


type Column = Col


type Selector = Sel


type Challenge = Chall


type Curve = G


type Srs = Srs


type Instance = I


type Witness = W


type Structure = Str


type Env = Env<G, Col, Chall, Sel, Str, I, W>