Crate mina_signer

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Mina signer

This crate provides an API and framework for Mina signing. It follows the algorithm outlined in the Mina Signature Specification.

Signer interface

The mina_signer crate currently supports creating both legacy and an experimental kimchi signers.

  • create_legacy creates a legacy signer compatible with mainnet and testnet transaction signatures
  • create_kimchi creates an experimental kimchi signer

Here is an example of how to use the signer interface to sign and verify Mina transactions.

#[path = "../tests/"]
mod transaction;

use rand;
use mina_signer::{NetworkId, Keypair, PubKey, Signer};
use transaction::Transaction;

let keypair = Keypair::rand(&mut rand::rngs::OsRng).expect("failed to generate keypair");

let tx = Transaction::new_payment(
                PubKey::from_address("B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt").expect("invalid receiver address"),

let mut ctx = mina_signer::create_legacy::<Transaction>(NetworkId::TESTNET);
let sig = ctx.sign(&keypair, &tx);
assert!(ctx.verify(&sig, &keypair.public, &tx));

These examples use the test Transaction structure found in the ./tests directory. This is a complete reference implementation of the Mina payment and delegation transaction structures found on mainnet and testnet.

Note: In order to sign something it must be hashed. This framework allows you to define how types are hashed by implementing the [Hashable] trait – see the [mina_hasher] documentation

For more details about the ``mina_signer`, please see rustdoc mina-signer documentation.


There is a standard set of signature tests in the ./tests directory.

These can be run with

cargo test --package mina-signer



  • Keypair structures and algorithms
  • Public key structures and algorithms
  • Mina Schnorr signature scheme
  • Secret key structures and helpers
  • Mina signature structure and associated helpers


  • Mina network (or blockchain) identifier


  • Interface for signed objects


  • Create an experimental kimchi signer context with domain parameters initialized with domain_param
  • Create a legacy signer context with domain parameters initialized with domain_param

Type Definitions