Crate mina_poseidon

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This crate provides a generic implementation of the Poseidon hash function. It provides a Sponge trait that can be implemented for any field.

Some parameters for the Pasta fields are provided in the sub-crate crate::pasta.

To instantiate an object that can be used to generate challenges for the Fiat-Shamir transformation, use the DefaultFqSponge struct. For instance, to instantiate with the parameters used by the Mina hard-fork called Berkeley, use:

use mina_curves::pasta::{VestaParameters};
use mina_poseidon::sponge::DefaultFqSponge;
use mina_poseidon::FqSponge;
use mina_poseidon::constants::PlonkSpongeConstantsKimchi;
use mina_poseidon::pasta::fq_kimchi;

let mut sponge = DefaultFqSponge::<VestaParameters, PlonkSpongeConstantsKimchi>::new(
let challenge = sponge.challenge();

