Module kimchi::circuits::expr

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  • A number of useful constraints
  • You can import this module like use kimchi::circuits::expr::prologue::* to obtain a number of handy aliases and helpers


  • Auto clone macro - Helps make constraints more readable by eliminating requirement to .clone() all the time


  • A cache
  • A key for a cached value
  • The collection of constants required to evaluate an Expr.
  • A “linearization”, which is linear combination with E coefficients of columns.
  • A type representing a variable which can appear in a constraint. It specifies a column and a relative position (Curr or Next)


  • Define challenges the verifier coins during the interactive protocol. It has been defined initially to handle the PLONK IOP, hence:
  • Define the constant terms an expression can use. It can be any constant term (Literal), a matrix (Mds - used by the permutation used by Poseidon for instance), or endomorphism coefficients (EndoCoefficient - used as an optimisation). As for challengeTerm, it has been used initially to implement the PLONK IOP, with the custom gate Poseidon. However, the terms have no built-in semantic in the expression framework. TODO: we should generalize the expression type over challenges and constants. See
  • The feature flags that can be used to enable or disable parts of constraints.
  • For efficiency of evaluation, we compile expressions to reverse Polish notation expressions, which are vectors of the below tokens.



  • Computes prod_{j != n} (1 - omega^j) Assure we don’t multiply by (1 - omega^n) = (1 - omega^0) = (1 - 1) = 0
  • Compute the powers of x, x^0, ..., x^{n - 1}

Type Definitions