use crate::{
lookup::lookups::{LookupPattern, LookupPatterns},
foreign_field_common::KimchiForeignElement, permutation::eval_vanishes_on_last_n_rows,
use ark_ff::{FftField, Field, One, PrimeField, Zero};
use ark_poly::{
univariate::DensePolynomial, EvaluationDomain, Evaluations, Radix2EvaluationDomain as D,
use itertools::Itertools;
use o1_utils::{foreign_field::ForeignFieldHelpers, FieldHelpers};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
fmt::{Debug, Display},
ops::{Add, AddAssign, Index, Mul, MulAssign, Neg, Sub},
use thiserror::Error;
use CurrOrNext::{Curr, Next};
use self::constraints::ExprOps;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ExprError<Column> {
#[error("Empty stack")]
#[error("Lookup should not have been used")]
#[error("Linearization failed (needed {0:?} evaluated at the {1:?} row")]
MissingEvaluation(Column, CurrOrNext),
#[error("Cannot get index evaluation {0:?} (should have been linearized away)")]
#[error("Linearization failed (too many unevaluated columns: {0:?}")]
#[error("runtime table not available")]
pub trait AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>:
Copy + Clone + Debug + PartialEq + Eq + Serialize + Deserialize<'a> + Display
const ALPHA: Self;
pub struct Constants<F: 'static> {
pub endo_coefficient: F,
pub mds: &'static Vec<Vec<F>>,
pub zk_rows: u64,
pub trait ColumnEnvironment<
F: FftField,
Challenges: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
type Column;
fn get_column(&self, col: &Self::Column) -> Option<&'a Evaluations<F, D<F>>>;
fn column_domain(&self, col: &Self::Column) -> Domain;
fn get_domain(&self, d: Domain) -> D<F>;
fn get_constants(&self) -> &Constants<F>;
fn get_challenges(&self) -> &Challenges;
fn vanishes_on_zero_knowledge_and_previous_rows(&self) -> &'a Evaluations<F, D<F>>;
fn l0_1(&self) -> F;
pub fn l0_1<F: FftField>(d: D<F>) -> F {
.fold(F::one(), |acc, omega_j| acc * (F::one() - omega_j))
pub fn unnormalized_lagrange_basis<F: FftField>(domain: &D<F>, i: i32, pt: &F) -> F {
let omega_i = if i < 0 {
domain.group_gen.pow([-i as u64]).inverse().unwrap()
} else {
domain.group_gen.pow([i as u64])
domain.evaluate_vanishing_polynomial(*pt) / (*pt - omega_i)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Variable<Column> {
pub col: Column,
pub row: CurrOrNext,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum ConstantTerm<F> {
Mds { row: usize, col: usize },
pub trait Literal: Sized + Clone {
type F;
fn literal(x: Self::F) -> Self;
fn to_literal(self) -> Result<Self::F, Self>;
fn to_literal_ref(&self) -> Option<&Self::F>;
fn as_literal(&self, constants: &Constants<Self::F>) -> Self;
impl<F: Field> Literal for F {
type F = F;
fn literal(x: Self::F) -> Self {
fn to_literal(self) -> Result<Self::F, Self> {
fn to_literal_ref(&self) -> Option<&Self::F> {
fn as_literal(&self, _constants: &Constants<Self::F>) -> Self {
impl<F: Clone> Literal for ConstantTerm<F> {
type F = F;
fn literal(x: Self::F) -> Self {
fn to_literal(self) -> Result<Self::F, Self> {
match self {
ConstantTerm::Literal(x) => Ok(x),
x => Err(x),
fn to_literal_ref(&self) -> Option<&Self::F> {
match self {
ConstantTerm::Literal(x) => Some(x),
_ => None,
fn as_literal(&self, constants: &Constants<Self::F>) -> Self {
match self {
ConstantTerm::EndoCoefficient => {
ConstantTerm::Mds { row, col } => {
ConstantTerm::Literal(_) => self.clone(),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ConstantExprInner<F, ChallengeTerm> {
impl<'a, F: Clone, ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>> Literal
for ConstantExprInner<F, ChallengeTerm>
type F = F;
fn literal(x: Self::F) -> Self {
fn to_literal(self) -> Result<Self::F, Self> {
match self {
Self::Constant(x) => match x.to_literal() {
Ok(x) => Ok(x),
Err(x) => Err(Self::Constant(x)),
x => Err(x),
fn to_literal_ref(&self) -> Option<&Self::F> {
match self {
Self::Constant(x) => x.to_literal_ref(),
_ => None,
fn as_literal(&self, constants: &Constants<Self::F>) -> Self {
match self {
Self::Constant(x) => Self::Constant(x.as_literal(constants)),
Self::Challenge(_) => self.clone(),
impl<'a, F, ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>> From<ChallengeTerm>
for ConstantExprInner<F, ChallengeTerm>
fn from(x: ChallengeTerm) -> Self {
impl<F, ChallengeTerm> From<ConstantTerm<F>> for ConstantExprInner<F, ChallengeTerm> {
fn from(x: ConstantTerm<F>) -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Operations<T> {
Pow(Box<Self>, u64),
Add(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
Mul(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
Sub(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
Cache(CacheId, Box<Self>),
IfFeature(FeatureFlag, Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
impl<T> From<T> for Operations<T> {
fn from(x: T) -> Self {
impl<T: Literal + Clone> Literal for Operations<T> {
type F = T::F;
fn literal(x: Self::F) -> Self {
fn to_literal(self) -> Result<Self::F, Self> {
match self {
Self::Atom(x) => match x.to_literal() {
Ok(x) => Ok(x),
Err(x) => Err(Self::Atom(x)),
x => Err(x),
fn to_literal_ref(&self) -> Option<&Self::F> {
match self {
Self::Atom(x) => x.to_literal_ref(),
_ => None,
fn as_literal(&self, constants: &Constants<Self::F>) -> Self {
match self {
Self::Atom(x) => Self::Atom(x.as_literal(constants)),
Self::Pow(x, n) => Self::Pow(Box::new(x.as_literal(constants)), *n),
Self::Add(x, y) => Self::Add(
Self::Mul(x, y) => Self::Mul(
Self::Sub(x, y) => Self::Sub(
Self::Double(x) => Self::Double(Box::new(x.as_literal(constants))),
Self::Square(x) => Self::Square(Box::new(x.as_literal(constants))),
Self::Cache(id, x) => Self::Cache(*id, Box::new(x.as_literal(constants))),
Self::IfFeature(flag, if_true, if_false) => Self::IfFeature(
pub type ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm> = Operations<ConstantExprInner<F, ChallengeTerm>>;
impl<F, ChallengeTerm> From<ConstantTerm<F>> for ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm> {
fn from(x: ConstantTerm<F>) -> Self {
impl<'a, F, ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>> From<ChallengeTerm>
for ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>
fn from(x: ChallengeTerm) -> Self {
impl<F: Copy, ChallengeTerm: Copy> ConstantExprInner<F, ChallengeTerm> {
fn to_polish<Column>(
_cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, usize>,
res: &mut Vec<PolishToken<F, Column, ChallengeTerm>>,
) {
match self {
ConstantExprInner::Challenge(chal) => res.push(PolishToken::Challenge(*chal)),
ConstantExprInner::Constant(c) => res.push(PolishToken::Constant(*c)),
impl<F: Copy, ChallengeTerm: Copy> Operations<ConstantExprInner<F, ChallengeTerm>> {
fn to_polish<Column>(
cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, usize>,
res: &mut Vec<PolishToken<F, Column, ChallengeTerm>>,
) {
match self {
Operations::Atom(atom) => atom.to_polish(cache, res),
Operations::Add(x, y) => {
x.as_ref().to_polish(cache, res);
y.as_ref().to_polish(cache, res);
Operations::Mul(x, y) => {
x.as_ref().to_polish(cache, res);
y.as_ref().to_polish(cache, res);
Operations::Sub(x, y) => {
x.as_ref().to_polish(cache, res);
y.as_ref().to_polish(cache, res);
Operations::Pow(x, n) => {
x.to_polish(cache, res);
Operations::Double(x) => {
x.to_polish(cache, res);
Operations::Square(x) => {
x.to_polish(cache, res);
Operations::Cache(id, x) => {
match cache.get(id) {
Some(pos) =>
None => {
x.to_polish(cache, res);
cache.insert(*id, cache.len());
Operations::IfFeature(feature, if_true, if_false) => {
let tok = PolishToken::SkipIfNot(*feature, 0);
let len_before = res.len();
let mut cache = cache.clone();
if_true.to_polish(&mut cache, res);
let len_after = res.len();
res[len_before - 1] = PolishToken::SkipIfNot(*feature, len_after - len_before);
let tok = PolishToken::SkipIfNot(*feature, 0);
let len_before = res.len();
let mut cache = cache.clone();
if_false.to_polish(&mut cache, res);
let len_after = res.len();
res[len_before - 1] = PolishToken::SkipIfNot(*feature, len_after - len_before);
impl<T: Literal> Operations<T>
T::F: Field,
pub fn pow(self, p: u64) -> Self {
if p == 0 {
return Self::literal(T::F::one());
match self.to_literal() {
Ok(l) => Self::literal(<T::F as Field>::pow(&l, [p])),
Err(x) => Self::Pow(Box::new(x), p),
impl<F: Field, ChallengeTerm: Copy> ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm> {
pub fn value(&self, c: &Constants<F>, chals: &dyn Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>) -> F {
use ConstantExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Atom(Challenge(challenge_term)) => chals[*challenge_term],
Atom(Constant(ConstantTerm::EndoCoefficient)) => c.endo_coefficient,
Atom(Constant(ConstantTerm::Mds { row, col })) => c.mds[*row][*col],
Atom(Constant(ConstantTerm::Literal(x))) => *x,
Pow(x, p) => x.value(c, chals).pow([*p]),
Mul(x, y) => x.value(c, chals) * y.value(c, chals),
Add(x, y) => x.value(c, chals) + y.value(c, chals),
Sub(x, y) => x.value(c, chals) - y.value(c, chals),
Double(x) => x.value(c, chals).double(),
Square(x) => x.value(c, chals).square(),
Cache(_, x) => {
x.value(c, chals)
IfFeature(_flag, _if_true, _if_false) => todo!(),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct CacheId(usize);
pub struct Cache {
next_id: usize,
impl CacheId {
fn get_from<'b, F: FftField>(
cache: &'b HashMap<CacheId, EvalResult<'_, F>>,
) -> Option<EvalResult<'b, F>> {
cache.get(self).map(|e| match e {
EvalResult::Constant(x) => EvalResult::Constant(*x),
EvalResult::SubEvals {
} => EvalResult::SubEvals {
domain: *domain,
shift: *shift,
EvalResult::Evals { domain, evals } => EvalResult::SubEvals {
domain: *domain,
shift: 0,
fn var_name(&self) -> String {
format!("x_{}", self.0)
fn latex_name(&self) -> String {
format!("x_{{{}}}", self.0)
impl Cache {
fn next_id(&mut self) -> CacheId {
let id = self.next_id;
self.next_id += 1;
pub fn cache<F: Field, ChallengeTerm, T: ExprOps<F, ChallengeTerm>>(&mut self, e: T) -> T {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
feature = "ocaml_types",
derive(ocaml::IntoValue, ocaml::FromValue, ocaml_gen::Enum)
pub enum FeatureFlag {
TableWidth(isize), LookupsPerRow(isize), }
impl FeatureFlag {
fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
todo!("Handle features")
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RowOffset {
pub zk_rows: bool,
pub offset: i32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExprInner<C, Column> {
pub type Expr<C, Column> = Operations<ExprInner<C, Column>>;
impl<F, Column, ChallengeTerm> From<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>>
for Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
fn from(x: ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>) -> Self {
impl<'a, F, Column, ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>> From<ConstantTerm<F>>
for Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
fn from(x: ConstantTerm<F>) -> Self {
impl<'a, F, Column, ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>> From<ChallengeTerm>
for Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
fn from(x: ChallengeTerm) -> Self {
impl<T: Literal, Column: Clone> Literal for ExprInner<T, Column> {
type F = T::F;
fn literal(x: Self::F) -> Self {
fn to_literal(self) -> Result<Self::F, Self> {
match self {
ExprInner::Constant(x) => match x.to_literal() {
Ok(x) => Ok(x),
Err(x) => Err(ExprInner::Constant(x)),
x => Err(x),
fn to_literal_ref(&self) -> Option<&Self::F> {
match self {
ExprInner::Constant(x) => x.to_literal_ref(),
_ => None,
fn as_literal(&self, constants: &Constants<Self::F>) -> Self {
match self {
ExprInner::Constant(x) => ExprInner::Constant(x.as_literal(constants)),
| ExprInner::VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows
| ExprInner::UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(_) => self.clone(),
impl<T: Literal + PartialEq> Operations<T>
T::F: Field,
fn apply_feature_flags_inner(&self, features: &FeatureFlags) -> (Self, bool) {
use Operations::*;
match self {
Atom(_) => (self.clone(), false),
Double(c) => {
let (c_reduced, reduce_further) = c.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
if reduce_further && c_reduced.is_zero() {
(Self::zero(), true)
} else {
(Double(Box::new(c_reduced)), false)
Square(c) => {
let (c_reduced, reduce_further) = c.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
if reduce_further && (c_reduced.is_zero() || c_reduced.is_one()) {
(c_reduced, true)
} else {
(Square(Box::new(c_reduced)), false)
Add(c1, c2) => {
let (c1_reduced, reduce_further1) = c1.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
let (c2_reduced, reduce_further2) = c2.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
if reduce_further1 && c1_reduced.is_zero() {
if reduce_further2 && c2_reduced.is_zero() {
(Self::zero(), true)
} else {
(c2_reduced, false)
} else if reduce_further2 && c2_reduced.is_zero() {
(c1_reduced, false)
} else {
(Add(Box::new(c1_reduced), Box::new(c2_reduced)), false)
Sub(c1, c2) => {
let (c1_reduced, reduce_further1) = c1.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
let (c2_reduced, reduce_further2) = c2.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
if reduce_further1 && c1_reduced.is_zero() {
if reduce_further2 && c2_reduced.is_zero() {
(Self::zero(), true)
} else {
(-c2_reduced, false)
} else if reduce_further2 && c2_reduced.is_zero() {
(c1_reduced, false)
} else {
(Sub(Box::new(c1_reduced), Box::new(c2_reduced)), false)
Mul(c1, c2) => {
let (c1_reduced, reduce_further1) = c1.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
let (c2_reduced, reduce_further2) = c2.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
if reduce_further1 && c1_reduced.is_zero()
|| reduce_further2 && c2_reduced.is_zero()
(Self::zero(), true)
} else if reduce_further1 && c1_reduced.is_one() {
if reduce_further2 && c2_reduced.is_one() {
(Self::one(), true)
} else {
(c2_reduced, false)
} else if reduce_further2 && c2_reduced.is_one() {
(c1_reduced, false)
} else {
(Mul(Box::new(c1_reduced), Box::new(c2_reduced)), false)
Pow(c, power) => {
let (c_reduced, reduce_further) = c.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
if reduce_further && (c_reduced.is_zero() || c_reduced.is_one()) {
(c_reduced, true)
} else {
(Pow(Box::new(c_reduced), *power), false)
Cache(cache_id, c) => {
let (c_reduced, reduce_further) = c.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
if reduce_further {
(c_reduced, true)
} else {
(Cache(*cache_id, Box::new(c_reduced)), false)
IfFeature(feature, c1, c2) => {
let is_enabled = {
use FeatureFlag::*;
match feature {
RangeCheck0 => features.range_check0,
RangeCheck1 => features.range_check1,
ForeignFieldAdd => features.foreign_field_add,
ForeignFieldMul => features.foreign_field_mul,
Xor => features.xor,
Rot => features.rot,
LookupTables => {
features.lookup_features.patterns != LookupPatterns::default()
RuntimeLookupTables => features.lookup_features.uses_runtime_tables,
LookupPattern(pattern) => features.lookup_features.patterns[*pattern],
TableWidth(width) => features
.any(|feature| feature.max_joint_size() >= (*width as u32)),
LookupsPerRow(count) => features
.any(|feature| feature.max_lookups_per_row() >= (*count as usize)),
if is_enabled {
let (c1_reduced, _) = c1.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
(c1_reduced, false)
} else {
let (c2_reduced, _) = c2.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
(c2_reduced, true)
pub fn apply_feature_flags(&self, features: &FeatureFlags) -> Self {
let (res, _) = self.apply_feature_flags_inner(features);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum PolishToken<F, Column, ChallengeTerm> {
SkipIf(FeatureFlag, usize),
SkipIfNot(FeatureFlag, usize),
pub trait ColumnEvaluations<F> {
type Column;
fn evaluate(&self, col: Self::Column) -> Result<PointEvaluations<F>, ExprError<Self::Column>>;
impl<Column: Copy> Variable<Column> {
fn evaluate<F: Field, Evaluations: ColumnEvaluations<F, Column = Column>>(
evals: &Evaluations,
) -> Result<F, ExprError<Column>> {
let point_evaluations = evals.evaluate(self.col)?;
match self.row {
CurrOrNext::Curr => Ok(point_evaluations.zeta),
CurrOrNext::Next => Ok(point_evaluations.zeta_omega),
impl<F: FftField, Column: Copy, ChallengeTerm: Copy> PolishToken<F, Column, ChallengeTerm> {
pub fn evaluate<Evaluations: ColumnEvaluations<F, Column = Column>>(
toks: &[PolishToken<F, Column, ChallengeTerm>],
d: D<F>,
pt: F,
evals: &Evaluations,
c: &Constants<F>,
chals: &dyn Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
) -> Result<F, ExprError<Column>> {
let mut stack = vec![];
let mut cache: Vec<F> = vec![];
let mut skip_count = 0;
for t in toks.iter() {
if skip_count > 0 {
skip_count -= 1;
use ConstantTerm::*;
use PolishToken::*;
match t {
Challenge(challenge_term) => stack.push(chals[*challenge_term]),
Constant(EndoCoefficient) => stack.push(c.endo_coefficient),
Constant(Mds { row, col }) => stack.push(c.mds[*row][*col]),
VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows => {
stack.push(eval_vanishes_on_last_n_rows(d, c.zk_rows + 1, pt))
UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(i) => {
let offset = if i.zk_rows {
-(c.zk_rows as i32) + i.offset
} else {
stack.push(unnormalized_lagrange_basis(&d, offset, &pt))
Constant(Literal(x)) => stack.push(*x),
Dup => stack.push(stack[stack.len() - 1]),
Cell(v) => match v.evaluate(evals) {
Ok(x) => stack.push(x),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Pow(n) => {
let i = stack.len() - 1;
stack[i] = stack[i].pow([*n]);
Add => {
let y = stack.pop().ok_or(ExprError::EmptyStack)?;
let x = stack.pop().ok_or(ExprError::EmptyStack)?;
stack.push(x + y);
Mul => {
let y = stack.pop().ok_or(ExprError::EmptyStack)?;
let x = stack.pop().ok_or(ExprError::EmptyStack)?;
stack.push(x * y);
Sub => {
let y = stack.pop().ok_or(ExprError::EmptyStack)?;
let x = stack.pop().ok_or(ExprError::EmptyStack)?;
stack.push(x - y);
Store => {
let x = stack[stack.len() - 1];
Load(i) => stack.push(cache[*i]),
SkipIf(feature, count) => {
if feature.is_enabled() {
skip_count = *count;
SkipIfNot(feature, count) => {
if !feature.is_enabled() {
skip_count = *count;
assert_eq!(stack.len(), 1);
impl<C, Column> Expr<C, Column> {
pub fn cell(col: Column, row: CurrOrNext) -> Expr<C, Column> {
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::Cell(Variable { col, row }))
pub fn double(self) -> Self {
pub fn square(self) -> Self {
pub fn constant(c: C) -> Expr<C, Column> {
pub fn degree(&self, d1_size: u64, zk_rows: u64) -> u64 {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Double(x) =>, zk_rows),
Atom(Constant(_)) => 0,
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => zk_rows + 1,
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(_)) => d1_size,
Atom(Cell(_)) => d1_size,
Square(x) => 2 *, zk_rows),
Mul(x, y) => (*x).degree(d1_size, zk_rows) + (*y).degree(d1_size, zk_rows),
Add(x, y) | Sub(x, y) => {
std::cmp::max((*x).degree(d1_size, zk_rows), (*y).degree(d1_size, zk_rows))
Pow(e, d) => d *, zk_rows),
Cache(_, e) =>, zk_rows),
IfFeature(_, e1, e2) => {
std::cmp::max(, zk_rows),, zk_rows))
impl<'a, F, Column: FormattedOutput + Debug + Clone, ChallengeTerm> fmt::Display
for Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
F: PrimeField,
ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let cache = &mut HashMap::new();
write!(f, "{}", self.text(cache))
enum EvalResult<'a, F: FftField> {
Evals {
domain: Domain,
evals: Evaluations<F, D<F>>,
SubEvals {
domain: Domain,
shift: usize,
evals: &'a Evaluations<F, D<F>>,
pub fn pows<F: Field>(x: F, n: usize) -> Vec<F> {
if n == 0 {
return vec![F::one()];
} else if n == 1 {
return vec![F::one(), x];
let mut v = vec![F::one(), x];
for i in 2..n {
v.push(v[i - 1] * x);
fn unnormalized_lagrange_evals<
F: FftField,
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge>,
l0_1: F,
i: i32,
res_domain: Domain,
env: &Environment,
) -> Evaluations<F, D<F>> {
let k = match res_domain {
Domain::D1 => 1,
Domain::D2 => 2,
Domain::D4 => 4,
Domain::D8 => 8,
let res_domain = env.get_domain(res_domain);
let d1 = env.get_domain(Domain::D1);
let n = d1.size;
let i = if i < 0 {
((i as isize) + (n as isize)) as usize
} else {
i as usize
let ii = i as u64;
assert!(ii < n);
let omega = d1.group_gen;
let omega_i = omega.pow([ii]);
let omega_minus_i = omega.pow([n - ii]);
let omega_k_n_pows = pows(res_domain.group_gen.pow([n]), k);
let omega_k_pows = pows(res_domain.group_gen, k);
let mut evals: Vec<F> = {
let mut v = vec![F::one(); k * (n as usize)];
let mut omega_q = F::one();
for q in 0..(n as usize) {
for r in 1..k {
v[k * q + r] = omega_q * omega_k_pows[r] - omega_i;
omega_q *= omega;
ark_ff::fields::batch_inversion::<F>(&mut v[..]);
for q in 0..(n as usize) {
evals[k * q] = F::zero();
evals[k * i] = omega_minus_i * l0_1;
for q in 0..(n as usize) {
for r in 1..k {
evals[k * q + r] *= omega_k_n_pows[r] - F::one();
Evaluations::<F, D<F>>::from_vec_and_domain(evals, res_domain)
impl<'a, F: FftField> EvalResult<'a, F> {
fn init_<G: Sync + Send + Fn(usize) -> F>(
res_domain: (Domain, D<F>),
g: G,
) -> Evaluations<F, D<F>> {
let n = res_domain.1.size();
Evaluations::<F, D<F>>::from_vec_and_domain(
fn init<G: Sync + Send + Fn(usize) -> F>(res_domain: (Domain, D<F>), g: G) -> Self {
Self::Evals {
domain: res_domain.0,
evals: Self::init_(res_domain, g),
fn add<'c>(self, other: EvalResult<'_, F>, res_domain: (Domain, D<F>)) -> EvalResult<'c, F> {
use EvalResult::*;
match (self, other) {
(Constant(x), Constant(y)) => Constant(x + y),
(Evals { domain, mut evals }, Constant(x))
| (Constant(x), Evals { domain, mut evals }) => {
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().for_each(|e| *e += x);
Evals { domain, evals }
SubEvals {
| (
SubEvals {
) => {
let n = res_domain.1.size();
let scale = (domain as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
let v: Vec<_> = (0..n)
.map(|i| {
x + evals.evals[(scale * i + (domain as usize) * shift) % evals.evals.len()]
Evals {
domain: res_domain.0,
evals: Evaluations::<F, D<F>>::from_vec_and_domain(v, res_domain.1),
Evals {
domain: d1,
evals: mut es1,
Evals {
domain: d2,
evals: es2,
) => {
assert_eq!(d1, d2);
es1 += &es2;
Evals {
domain: d1,
evals: es1,
SubEvals {
domain: d_sub,
shift: s,
evals: es_sub,
Evals {
domain: d,
mut evals,
| (
Evals {
domain: d,
mut evals,
SubEvals {
domain: d_sub,
shift: s,
evals: es_sub,
) => {
let scale = (d_sub as usize) / (d as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, e)| {
*e += es_sub.evals[(scale * i + (d_sub as usize) * s) % es_sub.evals.len()];
Evals { evals, domain: d }
SubEvals {
domain: d1,
shift: s1,
evals: es1,
SubEvals {
domain: d2,
shift: s2,
evals: es2,
) => {
let scale1 = (d1 as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale1 != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
let scale2 = (d2 as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale2 != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
let n = res_domain.1.size();
let v: Vec<_> = (0..n)
.map(|i| {
es1.evals[(scale1 * i + (d1 as usize) * s1) % es1.evals.len()]
+ es2.evals[(scale2 * i + (d2 as usize) * s2) % es2.evals.len()]
Evals {
domain: res_domain.0,
evals: Evaluations::<F, D<F>>::from_vec_and_domain(v, res_domain.1),
fn sub<'c>(self, other: EvalResult<'_, F>, res_domain: (Domain, D<F>)) -> EvalResult<'c, F> {
use EvalResult::*;
match (self, other) {
(Constant(x), Constant(y)) => Constant(x - y),
(Evals { domain, mut evals }, Constant(x)) => {
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().for_each(|e| *e -= x);
Evals { domain, evals }
(Constant(x), Evals { domain, mut evals }) => {
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().for_each(|e| *e = x - *e);
Evals { domain, evals }
SubEvals {
domain: d,
shift: s,
) => {
let scale = (d as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
EvalResult::init(res_domain, |i| {
evals.evals[(scale * i + (d as usize) * s) % evals.evals.len()] - x
SubEvals {
domain: d,
shift: s,
) => {
let scale = (d as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
EvalResult::init(res_domain, |i| {
x - evals.evals[(scale * i + (d as usize) * s) % evals.evals.len()]
Evals {
domain: d1,
evals: mut es1,
Evals {
domain: d2,
evals: es2,
) => {
assert_eq!(d1, d2);
es1 -= &es2;
Evals {
domain: d1,
evals: es1,
SubEvals {
domain: d_sub,
shift: s,
evals: es_sub,
Evals {
domain: d,
mut evals,
) => {
let scale = (d_sub as usize) / (d as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, e)| {
*e = es_sub.evals[(scale * i + (d_sub as usize) * s) % es_sub.evals.len()] - *e;
Evals { evals, domain: d }
Evals {
domain: d,
mut evals,
SubEvals {
domain: d_sub,
shift: s,
evals: es_sub,
) => {
let scale = (d_sub as usize) / (d as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, e)| {
*e -= es_sub.evals[(scale * i + (d_sub as usize) * s) % es_sub.evals.len()];
Evals { evals, domain: d }
SubEvals {
domain: d1,
shift: s1,
evals: es1,
SubEvals {
domain: d2,
shift: s2,
evals: es2,
) => {
let scale1 = (d1 as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale1 != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
let scale2 = (d2 as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale2 != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
EvalResult::init(res_domain, |i| {
es1.evals[(scale1 * i + (d1 as usize) * s1) % es1.evals.len()]
- es2.evals[(scale2 * i + (d2 as usize) * s2) % es2.evals.len()]
fn pow<'b>(self, d: u64, res_domain: (Domain, D<F>)) -> EvalResult<'b, F> {
let mut acc = EvalResult::Constant(F::one());
for i in (0..u64::BITS).rev() {
acc = acc.square(res_domain);
if (d >> i) & 1 == 1 {
acc = acc.mul(self.clone(), res_domain)
fn square<'b>(self, res_domain: (Domain, D<F>)) -> EvalResult<'b, F> {
use EvalResult::*;
match self {
Constant(x) => Constant(x.square()),
Evals { domain, mut evals } => {
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().for_each(|e| {
Evals { domain, evals }
SubEvals {
domain: d,
shift: s,
} => {
let scale = (d as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
EvalResult::init(res_domain, |i| {
evals.evals[(scale * i + (d as usize) * s) % evals.evals.len()].square()
fn mul<'c>(self, other: EvalResult<'_, F>, res_domain: (Domain, D<F>)) -> EvalResult<'c, F> {
use EvalResult::*;
match (self, other) {
(Constant(x), Constant(y)) => Constant(x * y),
(Evals { domain, mut evals }, Constant(x))
| (Constant(x), Evals { domain, mut evals }) => {
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().for_each(|e| *e *= x);
Evals { domain, evals }
SubEvals {
domain: d,
shift: s,
| (
SubEvals {
domain: d,
shift: s,
) => {
let scale = (d as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
EvalResult::init(res_domain, |i| {
x * evals.evals[(scale * i + (d as usize) * s) % evals.evals.len()]
Evals {
domain: d1,
evals: mut es1,
Evals {
domain: d2,
evals: es2,
) => {
assert_eq!(d1, d2);
es1 *= &es2;
Evals {
domain: d1,
evals: es1,
SubEvals {
domain: d_sub,
shift: s,
evals: es_sub,
Evals {
domain: d,
mut evals,
| (
Evals {
domain: d,
mut evals,
SubEvals {
domain: d_sub,
shift: s,
evals: es_sub,
) => {
let scale = (d_sub as usize) / (d as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domainand the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, e)| {
*e *= es_sub.evals[(scale * i + (d_sub as usize) * s) % es_sub.evals.len()];
Evals { evals, domain: d }
SubEvals {
domain: d1,
shift: s1,
evals: es1,
SubEvals {
domain: d2,
shift: s2,
evals: es2,
) => {
let scale1 = (d1 as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale1 != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
let scale2 = (d2 as usize) / (res_domain.0 as usize);
scale2 != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
EvalResult::init(res_domain, |i| {
es1.evals[(scale1 * i + (d1 as usize) * s1) % es1.evals.len()]
* es2.evals[(scale2 * i + (d2 as usize) * s2) % es2.evals.len()]
impl<'a, F: Field, Column: PartialEq + Copy, ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>>
Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
pub fn literal(x: F) -> Self {
pub fn combine_constraints(alphas: impl Iterator<Item = u32>, cs: Vec<Self>) -> Self {
let zero = Expr::<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>::zero();
.map(|(c, i)| Expr::from(ConstantExpr::pow(ChallengeTerm::ALPHA.into(), i as u64)) * c)
.fold(zero, |acc, x| acc + x)
impl<F: FftField, Column: Copy, ChallengeTerm: Copy> Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column> {
pub fn to_polish(&self) -> Vec<PolishToken<F, Column, ChallengeTerm>> {
let mut res = vec![];
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
self.to_polish_(&mut cache, &mut res);
fn to_polish_(
cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, usize>,
res: &mut Vec<PolishToken<F, Column, ChallengeTerm>>,
) {
match self {
Expr::Double(x) => {
x.to_polish_(cache, res);
Expr::Square(x) => {
x.to_polish_(cache, res);
Expr::Pow(x, d) => {
x.to_polish_(cache, res);
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::Constant(c)) => {
c.to_polish(cache, res);
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::Cell(v)) => res.push(PolishToken::Cell(*v)),
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => {
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(i)) => {
Expr::Add(x, y) => {
x.to_polish_(cache, res);
y.to_polish_(cache, res);
Expr::Sub(x, y) => {
x.to_polish_(cache, res);
y.to_polish_(cache, res);
Expr::Mul(x, y) => {
x.to_polish_(cache, res);
y.to_polish_(cache, res);
Expr::Cache(id, e) => {
match cache.get(id) {
Some(pos) =>
None => {
e.to_polish_(cache, res);
cache.insert(*id, cache.len());
Expr::IfFeature(feature, e1, e2) => {
let tok = PolishToken::SkipIfNot(*feature, 0);
let len_before = res.len();
let mut cache = cache.clone();
e1.to_polish_(&mut cache, res);
let len_after = res.len();
res[len_before - 1] = PolishToken::SkipIfNot(*feature, len_after - len_before);
let tok = PolishToken::SkipIfNot(*feature, 0);
let len_before = res.len();
let mut cache = cache.clone();
e2.to_polish_(&mut cache, res);
let len_after = res.len();
res[len_before - 1] = PolishToken::SkipIfNot(*feature, len_after - len_before);
impl<F: FftField, Column: PartialEq + Copy, ChallengeTerm: Copy>
Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
fn evaluate_constants_(
c: &Constants<F>,
chals: &dyn Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
) -> Expr<F, Column> {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Double(x) => x.evaluate_constants_(c, chals).double(),
Pow(x, d) => x.evaluate_constants_(c, chals).pow(*d),
Square(x) => x.evaluate_constants_(c, chals).square(),
Atom(Constant(x)) => Atom(Constant(x.value(c, chals))),
Atom(Cell(v)) => Atom(Cell(*v)),
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => {
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(i)) => Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(*i)),
Add(x, y) => x.evaluate_constants_(c, chals) + y.evaluate_constants_(c, chals),
Mul(x, y) => x.evaluate_constants_(c, chals) * y.evaluate_constants_(c, chals),
Sub(x, y) => x.evaluate_constants_(c, chals) - y.evaluate_constants_(c, chals),
Cache(id, e) => Cache(*id, Box::new(e.evaluate_constants_(c, chals))),
IfFeature(feature, e1, e2) => IfFeature(
Box::new(e1.evaluate_constants_(c, chals)),
Box::new(e2.evaluate_constants_(c, chals)),
pub fn evaluate<
Evaluations: ColumnEvaluations<F, Column = Column>,
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge, Column = Column>,
d: D<F>,
pt: F,
evals: &Evaluations,
env: &Environment,
) -> Result<F, ExprError<Column>> {
self.evaluate_(d, pt, evals, env.get_constants(), env.get_challenges())
pub fn evaluate_<Evaluations: ColumnEvaluations<F, Column = Column>>(
d: D<F>,
pt: F,
evals: &Evaluations,
c: &Constants<F>,
chals: &dyn Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
) -> Result<F, ExprError<Column>> {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Double(x) => x.evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals).map(|x| x.double()),
Atom(Constant(x)) => Ok(x.value(c, chals)),
Pow(x, p) => Ok(x.evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)?.pow([*p])),
Mul(x, y) => {
let x = (*x).evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)?;
let y = (*y).evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)?;
Ok(x * y)
Square(x) => Ok(x.evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)?.square()),
Add(x, y) => {
let x = (*x).evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)?;
let y = (*y).evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)?;
Ok(x + y)
Sub(x, y) => {
let x = (*x).evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)?;
let y = (*y).evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)?;
Ok(x - y)
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => {
Ok(eval_vanishes_on_last_n_rows(d, c.zk_rows + 1, pt))
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(i)) => {
let offset = if i.zk_rows {
-(c.zk_rows as i32) + i.offset
} else {
Ok(unnormalized_lagrange_basis(&d, offset, &pt))
Atom(Cell(v)) => v.evaluate(evals),
Cache(_, e) => e.evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals),
IfFeature(feature, e1, e2) => {
if feature.is_enabled() {
e1.evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)
} else {
e2.evaluate_(d, pt, evals, c, chals)
pub fn evaluate_constants<
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge, Column = Column>,
env: &Environment,
) -> Expr<F, Column> {
self.evaluate_constants_(env.get_constants(), env.get_challenges())
pub fn evaluations<
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge, Column = Column>,
env: &Environment,
) -> Evaluations<F, D<F>> {
enum Either<A, B> {
impl<F: FftField, Column: Copy> Expr<F, Column> {
pub fn evaluate<Evaluations: ColumnEvaluations<F, Column = Column>>(
d: D<F>,
pt: F,
zk_rows: u64,
evals: &Evaluations,
) -> Result<F, ExprError<Column>> {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Atom(Constant(x)) => Ok(*x),
Pow(x, p) => Ok(x.evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)?.pow([*p])),
Double(x) => x.evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals).map(|x| x.double()),
Square(x) => x.evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals).map(|x| x.square()),
Mul(x, y) => {
let x = (*x).evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)?;
let y = (*y).evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)?;
Ok(x * y)
Add(x, y) => {
let x = (*x).evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)?;
let y = (*y).evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)?;
Ok(x + y)
Sub(x, y) => {
let x = (*x).evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)?;
let y = (*y).evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)?;
Ok(x - y)
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => {
Ok(eval_vanishes_on_last_n_rows(d, zk_rows + 1, pt))
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(i)) => {
let offset = if i.zk_rows {
-(zk_rows as i32) + i.offset
} else {
Ok(unnormalized_lagrange_basis(&d, offset, &pt))
Atom(Cell(v)) => v.evaluate(evals),
Cache(_, e) => e.evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals),
IfFeature(feature, e1, e2) => {
if feature.is_enabled() {
e1.evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)
} else {
e2.evaluate(d, pt, zk_rows, evals)
pub fn evaluations<
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge, Column = Column>,
env: &Environment,
) -> Evaluations<F, D<F>> {
let d1_size = env.get_domain(Domain::D1).size;
let deg =, env.get_constants().zk_rows);
let d = if deg <= d1_size {
} else if deg <= 4 * d1_size {
} else if deg <= 8 * d1_size {
} else {
panic!("constraint had degree {deg} > d8 ({})", 8 * d1_size);
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
let evals = match self.evaluations_helper(&mut cache, d, env) {
Either::Left(x) => x,
Either::Right(id) => cache.get(&id).unwrap().clone(),
match evals {
EvalResult::Evals { evals, domain } => {
assert_eq!(domain, d);
EvalResult::Constant(x) => EvalResult::init_((d, env.get_domain(d)), |_| x),
EvalResult::SubEvals {
domain: d_sub,
shift: s,
} => {
let res_domain = env.get_domain(d);
let scale = (d_sub as usize) / (d as usize);
scale != 0,
"Check that the implementation of
column_domain and the evaluation domain of the
witnesses are the same"
EvalResult::init_((d, res_domain), |i| {
evals.evals[(scale * i + (d_sub as usize) * s) % evals.evals.len()]
fn evaluations_helper<
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge, Column = Column>,
cache: &'b mut HashMap<CacheId, EvalResult<'a, F>>,
d: Domain,
env: &Environment,
) -> Either<EvalResult<'a, F>, CacheId>
'a: 'b,
let dom = (d, env.get_domain(d));
let res: EvalResult<'a, F> = match self {
Expr::Square(x) => match x.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env) {
Either::Left(x) => x.square(dom),
Either::Right(id) => id.get_from(cache).unwrap().square(dom),
Expr::Double(x) => {
let x = x.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env);
let res = match x {
Either::Left(x) => {
let x = match x {
EvalResult::Evals { domain, mut evals } => {
evals.evals.par_iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
return Either::Left(EvalResult::Evals { domain, evals });
x => x,
let xx = || match &x {
EvalResult::Constant(x) => EvalResult::Constant(*x),
EvalResult::SubEvals {
} => EvalResult::SubEvals {
domain: *domain,
shift: *shift,
EvalResult::Evals { domain, evals } => EvalResult::SubEvals {
domain: *domain,
shift: 0,
xx().add(xx(), dom)
Either::Right(id) => {
let x1 = id.get_from(cache).unwrap();
let x2 = id.get_from(cache).unwrap();
x1.add(x2, dom)
return Either::Left(res);
Expr::Cache(id, e) => match cache.get(id) {
Some(_) => return Either::Right(*id),
None => {
match e.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env) {
Either::Left(es) => {
cache.insert(*id, es);
Either::Right(_) => {}
return Either::Right(*id);
Expr::Pow(x, p) => {
let x = x.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env);
match x {
Either::Left(x) => x.pow(*p, (d, env.get_domain(d))),
Either::Right(id) => {
id.get_from(cache).unwrap().pow(*p, (d, env.get_domain(d)))
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => EvalResult::SubEvals {
domain: Domain::D8,
shift: 0,
evals: env.vanishes_on_zero_knowledge_and_previous_rows(),
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::Constant(x)) => EvalResult::Constant(*x),
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(i)) => {
let offset = if i.zk_rows {
-(env.get_constants().zk_rows as i32) + i.offset
} else {
EvalResult::Evals {
domain: d,
evals: unnormalized_lagrange_evals(env.l0_1(), offset, d, env),
Expr::Atom(ExprInner::Cell(Variable { col, row })) => {
let evals: &'a Evaluations<F, D<F>> = {
match env.get_column(col) {
None => return Either::Left(EvalResult::Constant(F::zero())),
Some(e) => e,
EvalResult::SubEvals {
domain: env.column_domain(col),
shift: row.shift(),
Expr::Add(e1, e2) => {
let dom = (d, env.get_domain(d));
let f = |x: EvalResult<F>, y: EvalResult<F>| x.add(y, dom);
let e1 = e1.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env);
let e2 = e2.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env);
use Either::*;
match (e1, e2) {
(Left(e1), Left(e2)) => f(e1, e2),
(Right(id1), Left(e2)) => f(id1.get_from(cache).unwrap(), e2),
(Left(e1), Right(id2)) => f(e1, id2.get_from(cache).unwrap()),
(Right(id1), Right(id2)) => {
f(id1.get_from(cache).unwrap(), id2.get_from(cache).unwrap())
Expr::Sub(e1, e2) => {
let dom = (d, env.get_domain(d));
let f = |x: EvalResult<F>, y: EvalResult<F>| x.sub(y, dom);
let e1 = e1.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env);
let e2 = e2.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env);
use Either::*;
match (e1, e2) {
(Left(e1), Left(e2)) => f(e1, e2),
(Right(id1), Left(e2)) => f(id1.get_from(cache).unwrap(), e2),
(Left(e1), Right(id2)) => f(e1, id2.get_from(cache).unwrap()),
(Right(id1), Right(id2)) => {
f(id1.get_from(cache).unwrap(), id2.get_from(cache).unwrap())
Expr::Mul(e1, e2) => {
let dom = (d, env.get_domain(d));
let f = |x: EvalResult<F>, y: EvalResult<F>| x.mul(y, dom);
let e1 = e1.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env);
let e2 = e2.evaluations_helper(cache, d, env);
use Either::*;
match (e1, e2) {
(Left(e1), Left(e2)) => f(e1, e2),
(Right(id1), Left(e2)) => f(id1.get_from(cache).unwrap(), e2),
(Left(e1), Right(id2)) => f(e1, id2.get_from(cache).unwrap()),
(Right(id1), Right(id2)) => {
f(id1.get_from(cache).unwrap(), id2.get_from(cache).unwrap())
Expr::IfFeature(feature, e1, e2) => {
let mut cache = cache.clone();
if feature.is_enabled() {
return e1.evaluations_helper(&mut cache, d, env);
} else {
return e2.evaluations_helper(&mut cache, d, env);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Linearization<E, Column> {
pub constant_term: E,
pub index_terms: Vec<(Column, E)>,
impl<E: Default, Column> Default for Linearization<E, Column> {
fn default() -> Self {
Linearization {
constant_term: E::default(),
index_terms: vec![],
impl<A, Column: Copy> Linearization<A, Column> {
pub fn map<B, F: Fn(&A) -> B>(&self, f: F) -> Linearization<B, Column> {
Linearization {
constant_term: f(&self.constant_term),
index_terms: self.index_terms.iter().map(|(c, x)| (*c, f(x))).collect(),
impl<F: FftField, Column: PartialEq + Copy, ChallengeTerm: Copy>
Linearization<Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>, Column>
pub fn evaluate_constants<
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge, Column = Column>,
env: &Environment,
) -> Linearization<Expr<F, Column>, Column> {|e| e.evaluate_constants(env))
impl<F: FftField, Column: Copy + Debug, ChallengeTerm: Copy>
Linearization<Vec<PolishToken<F, Column, ChallengeTerm>>, Column>
pub fn to_polynomial<
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
ColEvaluations: ColumnEvaluations<F, Column = Column>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge, Column = Column>,
env: &Environment,
pt: F,
evals: &ColEvaluations,
) -> (F, Evaluations<F, D<F>>) {
let cs = env.get_constants();
let chals = env.get_challenges();
let d1 = env.get_domain(Domain::D1);
let n = d1.size();
let mut res = vec![F::zero(); n];
self.index_terms.iter().for_each(|(idx, c)| {
let c = PolishToken::evaluate(c, d1, pt, evals, cs, chals).unwrap();
let e = env
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Index polynomial {idx:?} not found"));
let scale = e.evals.len() / n;
.for_each(|(i, r)| *r += c * e.evals[scale * i]);
let p = Evaluations::<F, D<F>>::from_vec_and_domain(res, d1);
PolishToken::evaluate(&self.constant_term, d1, pt, evals, cs, chals).unwrap(),
impl<F: FftField, Column: Debug + PartialEq + Copy, ChallengeTerm: Copy>
Linearization<Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>, Column>
pub fn to_polynomial<
Challenge: Index<ChallengeTerm, Output = F>,
ColEvaluations: ColumnEvaluations<F, Column = Column>,
Environment: ColumnEnvironment<'a, F, ChallengeTerm, Challenge, Column = Column>,
env: &Environment,
pt: F,
evals: &ColEvaluations,
) -> (F, DensePolynomial<F>) {
let cs = env.get_constants();
let chals = env.get_challenges();
let d1 = env.get_domain(Domain::D1);
let n = d1.size();
let mut res = vec![F::zero(); n];
self.index_terms.iter().for_each(|(idx, c)| {
let c = c.evaluate_(d1, pt, evals, cs, chals).unwrap();
let e = env
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Index polynomial {idx:?} not found"));
let scale = e.evals.len() / n;
.for_each(|(i, r)| *r += c * e.evals[scale * i])
let p = Evaluations::<F, D<F>>::from_vec_and_domain(res, d1).interpolate();
.evaluate_(d1, pt, evals, cs, chals)
type Monomials<F, Column> = HashMap<Vec<Variable<Column>>, Expr<F, Column>>;
fn mul_monomials<
F: Neg<Output = F> + Clone + One + Zero + PartialEq,
Column: Ord + Copy + std::hash::Hash,
e1: &Monomials<F, Column>,
e2: &Monomials<F, Column>,
) -> Monomials<F, Column>
ExprInner<F, Column>: Literal,
<ExprInner<F, Column> as Literal>::F: Field,
let mut res: HashMap<_, Expr<F, Column>> = HashMap::new();
for (m1, c1) in e1.iter() {
for (m2, c2) in e2.iter() {
let mut m = m1.clone();
let c1c2 = c1.clone() * c2.clone();
let v = res.entry(m).or_insert_with(Expr::<F, Column>::zero);
*v = v.clone() + c1c2;
impl<F: Neg<Output = F> + Clone + One + Zero + PartialEq, Column: Ord + Copy + std::hash::Hash>
Expr<F, Column>
ExprInner<F, Column>: Literal,
<ExprInner<F, Column> as Literal>::F: Field,
fn is_constant(&self, evaluated: &HashSet<Column>) -> bool {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Pow(x, _) => x.is_constant(evaluated),
Square(x) => x.is_constant(evaluated),
Atom(Constant(_)) => true,
Atom(Cell(v)) => evaluated.contains(&v.col),
Double(x) => x.is_constant(evaluated),
Add(x, y) | Sub(x, y) | Mul(x, y) => {
x.is_constant(evaluated) && y.is_constant(evaluated)
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => true,
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(_)) => true,
Cache(_, x) => x.is_constant(evaluated),
IfFeature(_, e1, e2) => e1.is_constant(evaluated) && e2.is_constant(evaluated),
fn monomials(&self, ev: &HashSet<Column>) -> HashMap<Vec<Variable<Column>>, Expr<F, Column>> {
let sing = |v: Vec<Variable<Column>>, c: Expr<F, Column>| {
let mut h = HashMap::new();
h.insert(v, c);
let constant = |e: Expr<F, Column>| sing(vec![], e);
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
if self.is_constant(ev) {
return constant(self.clone());
match self {
Pow(x, d) => {
let mut acc = sing(vec![], Expr::<F, Column>::one());
let mut acc_is_one = true;
let x = x.monomials(ev);
for i in (0..u64::BITS).rev() {
if !acc_is_one {
let acc2 = mul_monomials(&acc, &acc);
acc = acc2;
if (d >> i) & 1 == 1 {
let res = mul_monomials(&acc, &x);
acc = res;
acc_is_one = false;
Double(e) => {
HashMap::from_iter(e.monomials(ev).into_iter().map(|(m, c)| (m, c.double())))
Cache(_, e) => e.monomials(ev),
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(i)) => constant(Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(*i))),
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => {
Atom(Constant(c)) => constant(Atom(Constant(c.clone()))),
Atom(Cell(var)) => sing(vec![*var], Atom(Constant(F::one()))),
Add(e1, e2) => {
let mut res = e1.monomials(ev);
for (m, c) in e2.monomials(ev) {
let v = match res.remove(&m) {
None => c,
Some(v) => v + c,
res.insert(m, v);
Sub(e1, e2) => {
let mut res = e1.monomials(ev);
for (m, c) in e2.monomials(ev) {
let v = match res.remove(&m) {
None => -c, Some(v) => v - c,
res.insert(m, v);
Mul(e1, e2) => {
let e1 = e1.monomials(ev);
let e2 = e2.monomials(ev);
mul_monomials(&e1, &e2)
Square(x) => {
let x = x.monomials(ev);
mul_monomials(&x, &x)
IfFeature(feature, e1, e2) => {
let mut res = HashMap::new();
let e1_monomials = e1.monomials(ev);
let mut e2_monomials = e2.monomials(ev);
for (m, c) in e1_monomials.into_iter() {
let else_branch = match e2_monomials.remove(&m) {
None => Expr::zero(),
Some(c) => c,
let expr = Expr::IfFeature(*feature, Box::new(c), Box::new(else_branch));
res.insert(m, expr);
for (m, c) in e2_monomials.into_iter() {
let expr = Expr::IfFeature(*feature, Box::new(Expr::zero()), Box::new(c));
res.insert(m, expr);
pub fn linearize(
evaluated: HashSet<Column>,
) -> Result<Linearization<Expr<F, Column>, Column>, ExprError<Column>> {
let mut res: HashMap<Column, Expr<F, Column>> = HashMap::new();
let mut constant_term: Expr<F, Column> = Self::zero();
let monomials = self.monomials(&evaluated);
for (m, c) in monomials {
let (evaluated, mut unevaluated): (Vec<_>, _) =
m.into_iter().partition(|v| evaluated.contains(&v.col));
let c = evaluated
.fold(c, |acc, v| acc * Expr::Atom(ExprInner::Cell(v)));
if unevaluated.is_empty() {
constant_term += c;
} else if unevaluated.len() == 1 {
let var = unevaluated.remove(0);
match var.row {
Next => {
return Err(ExprError::MissingEvaluation(var.col, var.row));
Curr => {
let e = match res.remove(&var.col) {
Some(v) => v + c,
None => c,
res.insert(var.col, e);
} else {
return Err(ExprError::FailedLinearization(unevaluated));
Ok(Linearization {
index_terms: res.into_iter().collect(),
impl<T: Literal> Zero for Operations<T>
T::F: Field,
fn zero() -> Self {
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = self.to_literal_ref() {
} else {
impl<T: Literal + PartialEq> One for Operations<T>
T::F: Field,
fn one() -> Self {
fn is_one(&self) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = self.to_literal_ref() {
} else {
impl<T: Literal> Neg for Operations<T>
T::F: One + Neg<Output = T::F> + Copy,
type Output = Self;
fn neg(self) -> Self {
match self.to_literal() {
Ok(x) => Self::literal(x.neg()),
Err(x) => Operations::Mul(Box::new(Self::literal(T::F::one().neg())), Box::new(x)),
impl<T: Literal> Add<Self> for Operations<T>
T::F: Field,
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
if self.is_zero() {
return other;
if other.is_zero() {
return self;
let (x, y) = {
match (self.to_literal(), other.to_literal()) {
(Ok(x), Ok(y)) => return Self::literal(x + y),
(Ok(x), Err(y)) => (Self::literal(x), y),
(Err(x), Ok(y)) => (x, Self::literal(y)),
(Err(x), Err(y)) => (x, y),
Operations::Add(Box::new(x), Box::new(y))
impl<T: Literal> Sub<Self> for Operations<T>
T::F: Field,
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
if other.is_zero() {
return self;
let (x, y) = {
match (self.to_literal(), other.to_literal()) {
(Ok(x), Ok(y)) => return Self::literal(x - y),
(Ok(x), Err(y)) => (Self::literal(x), y),
(Err(x), Ok(y)) => (x, Self::literal(y)),
(Err(x), Err(y)) => (x, y),
Operations::Sub(Box::new(x), Box::new(y))
impl<T: Literal + PartialEq> Mul<Self> for Operations<T>
T::F: Field,
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
if self.is_zero() || other.is_zero() {
return Self::zero();
if self.is_one() {
return other;
if other.is_one() {
return self;
let (x, y) = {
match (self.to_literal(), other.to_literal()) {
(Ok(x), Ok(y)) => return Self::literal(x * y),
(Ok(x), Err(y)) => (Self::literal(x), y),
(Err(x), Ok(y)) => (x, Self::literal(y)),
(Err(x), Err(y)) => (x, y),
Operations::Mul(Box::new(x), Box::new(y))
impl<F: Zero + Clone, Column: Clone> AddAssign<Expr<F, Column>> for Expr<F, Column>
ExprInner<F, Column>: Literal,
<ExprInner<F, Column> as Literal>::F: Field,
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
if self.is_zero() {
*self = other;
} else if !other.is_zero() {
*self = Expr::Add(Box::new(self.clone()), Box::new(other));
impl<F, Column> MulAssign<Expr<F, Column>> for Expr<F, Column>
F: Zero + One + PartialEq + Clone,
Column: PartialEq + Clone,
ExprInner<F, Column>: Literal,
<ExprInner<F, Column> as Literal>::F: Field,
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
if self.is_zero() || other.is_zero() {
*self = Self::zero();
} else if self.is_one() {
*self = other;
} else if !other.is_one() {
*self = Expr::Mul(Box::new(self.clone()), Box::new(other));
impl<F: Field, Column> From<u64> for Expr<F, Column> {
fn from(x: u64) -> Self {
impl<'a, F: Field, Column, ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>> From<u64>
for Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
fn from(x: u64) -> Self {
impl<F: Field, ChallengeTerm> From<u64> for ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm> {
fn from(x: u64) -> Self {
impl<'a, F: Field, Column: PartialEq + Copy, ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>> Mul<F>
for Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
type Output = Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>;
fn mul(self, y: F) -> Self::Output {
Expr::from(ConstantTerm::Literal(y)) * self
pub trait FormattedOutput: Sized {
fn is_alpha(&self) -> bool;
fn ocaml(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String;
fn latex(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String;
fn text(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String;
impl<'a, ChallengeTerm> FormattedOutput for ChallengeTerm
ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>,
fn is_alpha(&self) -> bool {
fn ocaml(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
fn latex(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
"\\".to_string() + &self.to_string()
fn text(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
impl<F: PrimeField> FormattedOutput for ConstantTerm<F> {
fn is_alpha(&self) -> bool {
fn ocaml(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use ConstantTerm::*;
match self {
EndoCoefficient => "endo_coefficient".to_string(),
Mds { row, col } => format!("mds({row}, {col})"),
Literal(x) => format!(
fn latex(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use ConstantTerm::*;
match self {
EndoCoefficient => "endo\\_coefficient".to_string(),
Mds { row, col } => format!("mds({row}, {col})"),
Literal(x) => format!("\\mathbb{{F}}({})", x.into_bigint().into()),
fn text(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use ConstantTerm::*;
match self {
EndoCoefficient => "endo_coefficient".to_string(),
Mds { row, col } => format!("mds({row}, {col})"),
Literal(x) => format!("0x{}", x.to_hex()),
impl<'a, F: PrimeField, ChallengeTerm> FormattedOutput for ConstantExprInner<F, ChallengeTerm>
ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>,
fn is_alpha(&self) -> bool {
use ConstantExprInner::*;
match self {
Challenge(x) => x.is_alpha(),
Constant(x) => x.is_alpha(),
fn ocaml(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use ConstantExprInner::*;
match self {
Challenge(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.ocaml(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Challenge(v));
Constant(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.ocaml(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Constant(v));
fn latex(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use ConstantExprInner::*;
match self {
Challenge(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.latex(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Challenge(v));
Constant(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.latex(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Constant(v));
fn text(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use ConstantExprInner::*;
match self {
Challenge(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.text(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Challenge(v));
Constant(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.text(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Constant(v));
impl<Column: FormattedOutput + Debug> FormattedOutput for Variable<Column> {
fn is_alpha(&self) -> bool {
fn ocaml(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
format!("var({:?}, {:?})", self.col, self.row)
fn latex(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
let col = self.col.latex(&mut HashMap::new());
match self.row {
Curr => col,
Next => format!("\\tilde{{{col}}}"),
fn text(&self, _cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
let col = self.col.text(&mut HashMap::new());
match self.row {
Curr => format!("Curr({col})"),
Next => format!("Next({col})"),
impl<T: FormattedOutput + Clone> FormattedOutput for Operations<T> {
fn is_alpha(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Operations::Atom(x) => x.is_alpha(),
_ => false,
fn ocaml(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use Operations::*;
match self {
Atom(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.ocaml(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Atom(v));
Pow(x, n) => {
if x.is_alpha() {
} else {
format!("pow({}, {n})", x.ocaml(cache))
Add(x, y) => format!("({} + {})", x.ocaml(cache), y.ocaml(cache)),
Mul(x, y) => format!("({} * {})", x.ocaml(cache), y.ocaml(cache)),
Sub(x, y) => format!("({} - {})", x.ocaml(cache), y.ocaml(cache)),
Double(x) => format!("double({})", x.ocaml(cache)),
Square(x) => format!("square({})", x.ocaml(cache)),
Cache(id, e) => {
cache.insert(*id, e.as_ref().clone());
IfFeature(feature, e1, e2) => {
"if_feature({:?}, (fun () -> {}), (fun () -> {}))",
fn latex(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use Operations::*;
match self {
Atom(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.latex(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Atom(v));
Pow(x, n) => format!("{}^{{{n}}}", x.latex(cache)),
Add(x, y) => format!("({} + {})", x.latex(cache), y.latex(cache)),
Mul(x, y) => format!("({} \\cdot {})", x.latex(cache), y.latex(cache)),
Sub(x, y) => format!("({} - {})", x.latex(cache), y.latex(cache)),
Double(x) => format!("2 ({})", x.latex(cache)),
Square(x) => format!("({})^2", x.latex(cache)),
Cache(id, e) => {
cache.insert(*id, e.as_ref().clone());
IfFeature(feature, _, _) => format!("{feature:?}"),
fn text(&self, cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Self>) -> String {
use Operations::*;
match self {
Atom(x) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.text(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Atom(v));
Pow(x, n) => format!("{}^{n}", x.text(cache)),
Add(x, y) => format!("({} + {})", x.text(cache), y.text(cache)),
Mul(x, y) => format!("({} * {})", x.text(cache), y.text(cache)),
Sub(x, y) => format!("({} - {})", x.text(cache), y.text(cache)),
Double(x) => format!("double({})", x.text(cache)),
Square(x) => format!("square({})", x.text(cache)),
Cache(id, e) => {
cache.insert(*id, e.as_ref().clone());
IfFeature(feature, _, _) => format!("{feature:?}"),
impl<'a, F, Column: FormattedOutput + Debug + Clone, ChallengeTerm> FormattedOutput
for Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
F: PrimeField,
ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>,
fn is_alpha(&self) -> bool {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Atom(Constant(x)) => x.is_alpha(),
_ => false,
fn ocaml(
cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>>,
) -> String {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Double(x) => format!("double({})", x.ocaml(cache)),
Atom(Constant(x)) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.ocaml(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Atom(Constant(v)));
Atom(Cell(v)) => format!("cell({})", v.ocaml(&mut HashMap::new())),
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(i)) => {
format!("unnormalized_lagrange_basis({}, {})", i.zk_rows, i.offset)
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => {
Add(x, y) => format!("({} + {})", x.ocaml(cache), y.ocaml(cache)),
Mul(x, y) => format!("({} * {})", x.ocaml(cache), y.ocaml(cache)),
Sub(x, y) => format!("({} - {})", x.ocaml(cache), y.ocaml(cache)),
Pow(x, d) => format!("pow({}, {d})", x.ocaml(cache)),
Square(x) => format!("square({})", x.ocaml(cache)),
Cache(id, e) => {
cache.insert(*id, e.as_ref().clone());
IfFeature(feature, e1, e2) => {
"if_feature({:?}, (fun () -> {}), (fun () -> {}))",
fn latex(
cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>>,
) -> String {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Double(x) => format!("2 ({})", x.latex(cache)),
Atom(Constant(x)) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.latex(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Atom(Constant(v)));
Atom(Cell(v)) => v.latex(&mut HashMap::new()),
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(RowOffset {
zk_rows: true,
offset: i,
})) => {
format!("unnormalized\\_lagrange\\_basis(zk\\_rows + {})", *i)
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(RowOffset {
zk_rows: false,
offset: i,
})) => {
format!("unnormalized\\_lagrange\\_basis({})", *i)
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => {
Add(x, y) => format!("({} + {})", x.latex(cache), y.latex(cache)),
Mul(x, y) => format!("({} \\cdot {})", x.latex(cache), y.latex(cache)),
Sub(x, y) => format!("({} - {})", x.latex(cache), y.latex(cache)),
Pow(x, d) => format!("{}^{{{d}}}", x.latex(cache)),
Square(x) => format!("({})^2", x.latex(cache)),
Cache(id, e) => {
cache.insert(*id, e.as_ref().clone());
IfFeature(feature, _, _) => format!("{feature:?}"),
fn text(
cache: &mut HashMap<CacheId, Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>>,
) -> String {
use ExprInner::*;
use Operations::*;
match self {
Double(x) => format!("double({})", x.text(cache)),
Atom(Constant(x)) => {
let mut inner_cache = HashMap::new();
let res = x.text(&mut inner_cache);
inner_cache.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
let _ = cache.insert(k, Atom(Constant(v)));
Atom(Cell(v)) => v.text(&mut HashMap::new()),
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(RowOffset {
zk_rows: true,
offset: i,
})) => match i.cmp(&0) {
Ordering::Greater => format!("unnormalized_lagrange_basis(zk_rows + {})", *i),
Ordering::Equal => "unnormalized_lagrange_basis(zk_rows)".to_string(),
Ordering::Less => format!("unnormalized_lagrange_basis(zk_rows - {})", (-*i)),
Atom(UnnormalizedLagrangeBasis(RowOffset {
zk_rows: false,
offset: i,
})) => {
format!("unnormalized_lagrange_basis({})", *i)
Atom(VanishesOnZeroKnowledgeAndPreviousRows) => {
Add(x, y) => format!("({} + {})", x.text(cache), y.text(cache)),
Mul(x, y) => format!("({} * {})", x.text(cache), y.text(cache)),
Sub(x, y) => format!("({} - {})", x.text(cache), y.text(cache)),
Pow(x, d) => format!("pow({}, {d})", x.text(cache)),
Square(x) => format!("square({})", x.text(cache)),
Cache(id, e) => {
cache.insert(*id, e.as_ref().clone());
IfFeature(feature, _, _) => format!("{feature:?}"),
impl<'a, F, Column: FormattedOutput + Debug + Clone, ChallengeTerm>
Expr<ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, Column>
F: PrimeField,
ChallengeTerm: AlphaChallengeTerm<'a>,
pub fn latex_str(&self) -> Vec<String> {
let mut env = HashMap::new();
let e = self.latex(&mut env);
let mut env: Vec<_> = env.into_iter().collect();
env.sort_by(|(x, _), (y, _)| x.cmp(y));
let mut res = vec![];
for (k, v) in env {
let mut rhs = v.latex_str();
let last = rhs.pop().expect("returned an empty expression");
res.push(format!("{} = {last}", k.latex_name()));
pub fn ocaml_str(&self) -> String {
let mut env = HashMap::new();
let e = self.ocaml(&mut env);
let mut env: Vec<_> = env.into_iter().collect();
env.sort_by(|(x, _), (y, _)| x.cmp(y));
let mut res = String::new();
for (k, v) in env {
let rhs = v.ocaml_str();
let cached = format!("let {} = {rhs} in ", k.var_name());
pub mod constraints {
use o1_utils::Two;
use crate::circuits::argument::ArgumentData;
use std::fmt;
use super::*;
use crate::circuits::berkeley_columns::{coeff, witness};
pub trait ExprOps<F, ChallengeTerm>:
Add<Output = Self>
+ Sub<Output = Self>
+ Neg<Output = Self>
+ Mul<Output = Self>
+ AddAssign<Self>
+ MulAssign<Self>
+ Clone
+ Zero
+ One
+ From<u64>
+ fmt::Debug
+ fmt::Display
Self: std::marker::Sized,
fn two_pow(pow: u64) -> Self;
fn two_to_limb() -> Self;
fn two_to_2limb() -> Self;
fn two_to_3limb() -> Self;
fn double(&self) -> Self;
fn square(&self) -> Self;
fn pow(&self, p: u64) -> Self;
fn boolean(&self) -> Self;
fn crumb(&self) -> Self;
fn literal(x: F) -> Self;
fn witness(row: CurrOrNext, col: usize, env: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>) -> Self;
fn coeff(col: usize, env: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>) -> Self;
fn constant(expr: ConstantExpr<F, ChallengeTerm>, env: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>) -> Self;
fn cache(&self, cache: &mut Cache) -> Self;
impl<F> ExprOps<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>
for Expr<ConstantExpr<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>, berkeley_columns::Column>
F: PrimeField,
Expr<ConstantExpr<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>, berkeley_columns::Column>: std::fmt::Display,
fn two_pow(pow: u64) -> Self {
Expr::<ConstantExpr<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>, berkeley_columns::Column>::literal(
<F as Two<F>>::two_pow(pow),
fn two_to_limb() -> Self {
Expr::<ConstantExpr<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>, berkeley_columns::Column>::literal(
fn two_to_2limb() -> Self {
Expr::<ConstantExpr<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>, berkeley_columns::Column>::literal(
fn two_to_3limb() -> Self {
Expr::<ConstantExpr<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>, berkeley_columns::Column>::literal(
fn double(&self) -> Self {
fn square(&self) -> Self {
fn pow(&self, p: u64) -> Self {
Expr::pow(self.clone(), p)
fn boolean(&self) -> Self {
fn crumb(&self) -> Self {
fn literal(x: F) -> Self {
fn witness(row: CurrOrNext, col: usize, _: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>) -> Self {
witness(col, row)
fn coeff(col: usize, _: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>) -> Self {
fn constant(
expr: ConstantExpr<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>,
_: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>,
) -> Self {
fn cache(&self, cache: &mut Cache) -> Self {
Expr::Cache(cache.next_id(), Box::new(self.clone()))
impl<F: Field> ExprOps<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm> for F {
fn two_pow(pow: u64) -> Self {
<F as Two<F>>::two_pow(pow)
fn two_to_limb() -> Self {
fn two_to_2limb() -> Self {
fn two_to_3limb() -> Self {
fn double(&self) -> Self {
*self * F::from(2u64)
fn square(&self) -> Self {
*self * *self
fn pow(&self, p: u64) -> Self {
fn boolean(&self) -> Self {
fn crumb(&self) -> Self {
fn literal(x: F) -> Self {
fn witness(row: CurrOrNext, col: usize, env: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>) -> Self {
match env {
Some(data) => data.witness[(row, col)],
None => panic!("Missing witness"),
fn coeff(col: usize, env: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>) -> Self {
match env {
Some(data) => data.coeffs[col],
None => panic!("Missing coefficients"),
fn constant(
expr: ConstantExpr<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>,
env: Option<&ArgumentData<F>>,
) -> Self {
match env {
Some(data) => expr.value(&data.constants, &data.challenges),
None => panic!("Missing constants"),
fn cache(&self, _: &mut Cache) -> Self {
pub fn boolean<F: Field, ChallengeTerm, T: ExprOps<F, ChallengeTerm>>(b: &T) -> T {
b.square() - b.clone()
pub fn crumb<F: Field, ChallengeTerm, T: ExprOps<F, ChallengeTerm>>(x: &T) -> T {
* (x.clone() - 1u64.into())
* (x.clone() - 2u64.into())
* (x.clone() - 3u64.into())
pub fn compact_limb<F: Field, ChallengeTerm, T: ExprOps<F, ChallengeTerm>>(
lo: &T,
mi: &T,
) -> T {
lo.clone() + mi.clone() * T::two_to_limb()
macro_rules! auto_clone {
($var:ident, $expr:expr) => {
let $var = $expr;
let $var = || $var.clone();
($var:ident) => {
let $var = || $var.clone();
macro_rules! auto_clone_array {
($var:ident, $expr:expr) => {
let $var = $expr;
let $var = |i: usize| $var[i].clone();
($var:ident) => {
let $var = |i: usize| $var[i].clone();
pub use auto_clone;
pub use auto_clone_array;
pub mod prologue {
pub use super::{
berkeley_columns::{coeff, constant, index, witness, witness_curr, witness_next, E},