Crate ivc

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This crate provides a circuit to achieve Incremental Verifiable Computation (IVC) based on a variant of the folding scheme described in the paper Nova. For the rest of the document, we do suppose that the curve is BN254.

Note that in the rest of this document, we will mix the terms “relaxation/relaxed” with “homogeneisation/homogeneous” polynomials. The reason is explained in the [folding] library. The term “running relaxed instance” can be rephrased as “an accumulator of evaluations of the homogeneised polynomials describing the computation and commitments to them”.

A recap of the Nova IVC scheme

The Nova paper describes a IVC scheme to be used by the folding scheme described in the same paper.

The IVC scheme uses different notations for different concepts:

  • F is the function to be computed. In our codebase, we call it the “application circuit”.
  • F' is the augmented function with the verifier computation. In our codebase, we call it the “IVC circuit + APP circuit”, or also the “joint circuit”.
  • U_i is the accumulator of the function F' up to step i. For clarity, we will sometimes use the notation acc_i to denote the accumulator. The accumulator in the [folding] library is called the “left instance”. It is a “running relaxed instance”.
  • u_i is the current instance of the function F' to be folded into the accumulator. In the [folding] library, it is called the “right instance”.
  • U_(i + 1) is the accumulator of the function F' up to step i + 1, i.e. the accumulation of U_i and u_i. In the [folding] library, it is called the “output instance” or the “folded output”. The “folded output” and the “left instance” should be seen as both accumulators, and the right instance should be seen as the difference between both.

The IVC scheme described in Fig 4 works as follow, for a given step i:

  • In the circuit (or also called “the augmented function F'”), the prover will compute a hash of the left instance acc_i. It is a way to “compress” the information of the previous computation. It is described by the notation u_i.x ?= Hash(i, z0, zi, U_i) in the Fig 4 on the left. The value u_i.x is provided as a public input to the circuit. In the code, we could summarize with the following pseudo code:
left_commitments.into_iter().for_each(|comm| {
env.process_hash(comm, LeftCommitment)
env.assert_eq(env.output_left, env.hash_state[LeftCommitment])
  • The prover will also compute the expected hash for the next iteration, by computing the hash of the output instance U_(i + 1). It is described by the notation u_(i + 1).x ?= Hash(i + 1, z0, zi, U_(i + 1)) in the Fig 4 on the right. Note that U_(i + 1) will be, at step i + 1, the new left input. The value of the hash computed at step i will be compared at step i + 1. In the code, we could summarize with the following pseudo-code:
output_commitments.into_iter().for_each(|comm| {
env.process_hash(comm, OutputCommitment)
env.assert_eq(env.output_left, env.hash_state[OutputCommitment])

The order of the execution is encoded in the fact the hash contains the step i when we check the left input and i + 1 when we compress the folded output. The fact that the prover encodes the computation on the same initial input is encoded by adding the initial value z0 into the hash for both hash computation. Therefore, the Nova IVC scheme encodes a sequential and incremental computation, which can be verified later using a SNARK on the accumulated instance.

The job regarding the correct accumulation of the commitments and the scalars are done in the middle square, i.e. acc_(i + 1) = NIFS.V(acc_i, u_i). It performs foreign field elliptic curve additions and scalars additions.

Our design

The circuit is implemented using the generic interpreter provided by the crate [kimchi_msm]. The particularity of the implementation is that it doesn’t use a cycle of curves, aims to be as generic as possible, defer the scalar multiplications to compute them in bulk and rely on the Poseidon hash. Our argument will be mostly based on the state of the hash after we executed the whole computation.

The IVC circuit is divided into different sections/sets of constraints described by multivariate polynomials, each activated by (public) selectors that are defined at setup time. The number of columns of the original computation defines the shape of the circuit as it will define the values of the selectors.

First, the folding scheme we use is described in the crate folding and is based on degree-3 polynomials. We do suppose that each constraint are reduced to degree 2, and the third degree is used to encode the aggregation of constraints.

In the Nova paper, to provide incremental verifiable computation, the authors propose a folding scheme where the verifier has to compute the followings:

// Accumulation of the homogeneous value `u`:
u'' = u + r u'
// Accumulation of all the PIOP challenges:
for each challenge c_i:
   c_i'' = c_i + r c_i'
for each alpha_i (aggregation of constraints):
   alpha_i'' = alpha_i + r alpha_i'
// Accumulation of the blinders for the commitment:
blinder'' = blinder + r + r^2 + r^3 blinder'
// Accumulation of the error terms (scalar multiplication)
E = E1 + r T0 + r^2 T1 + r^3 E2
// Randomized accumulation of the instance commitments (scalar multiplication)
for i in 0..N_COLUMNS
   (C_i)_O = (C_i)_L + r (C_i)_R

The accumulation of the challenges, the homogeneous value and the blinders are done trivially as they are scalar field values. After that, the verifier has to perform foreign field ellictic curve additions and scalar multiplications (r T0), (r^2 T1), (r^3 E2) and (r (C_i)_R) for each column.

First, we decide to defer the computations of the scalar multiplications, and we reduce the verifier work to compute only the foreign field elliptic curve additions. Therefore, the verifier has access already to the result of r T0, r^2 T1, r^3 E2 and r (C_i)_R, and must only perform the addition. We call the commitments r T0 the “scaled” commitment to T0, and the same for the others. The commitments (C_i)_L, (C_i)_R and (C_i)_O are called the “instance commitments”.

To perform foreign field elliptic curve addition, we split the commitments into 17 chunks of 15 bits and use additive lookups as described in [kimchi_msm::logup]. These 17 chunks will be used later to compute the scalar multiplications using a variant of the scheme described in the MSM RFC

The first component of our circuit is a hash function. We decided to use the Poseidon hash function, and implemented a generic one using the generic interpreter in crate::poseidon_8_56_5_3_2. The Poseidon instance we decided to go with is the traditional full/partial rounds. For a security of 128 bits, a substitution box of 5 and a state of 3 elements, we need 8 full rounds and 56 partial rounds for the scalar field BN254. Therefore, we can “absorb” 2 field elements per row (the third element is kept as a buffer in the Sponge construction).

The cost of a single Poseidon hash in terms of constraints is 432 constraints, and requires 435 columns, in addition to 192 round constants considered as constants “selectors” in our constraints. Note that having 432 constraints per Poseidon hash means that we must also have 432 constraints to accumulate the challenges used to combine the constraints. It is worth noting that these alphas are the same for all poseidon hashes. Combining constraints is done by using another selector, on a single row, see below (TODO). Note that the columns used by the poseidon hash must also be aggregated while running the IVC.

The Poseidon hash is used to absorb all the instance commitments, the challenges and the scaled commitments. In our circuit, we first start by absorbing all the elliptic curve points. A particularity is that we will use different Poseidon instances for each “side” of the addition. For each point, we do assume (at the moment) that each point is encoded as 2 field elements in the field of the circuit (FIXME: there is negligeable probability that it wraps over, as the coordinates are in the base field). For a given set of coordinates (x, y), and by supposing an initial state of our permutation (s0, s1, s2), we will compute on a single row the absorbtion of (x, y), which consists of updating the state (s0, s1, s2) to (s0 + x, s1 + y, s2). For each side, we will initialize a new Poseidon state, and we will keep absorbing each column of the circuit.

We end up with the following shape:

| q_poseidon | s0 | s1 | s2 | s0 + x | s1 + y | ... | s0' | s1' | s2' | side |

where (s0', s1', s2') is the final state of the Poseidon permutation after the execution of all the rounds, and q_poseidon will be a (public selector) that will be set to 1 on the row that Poseidon will need to be executed, 0 otherwise.

IVC circuit: base case

The base case of the IVC circuit is supported by multiplying each constraint by a fold_iteration column. As it is 0 for the base case, the whole circuit is “turned off”. We do not want to keep this in the final version, and aim to replace it with a method that does not increase the degree of the constraints by one. The column value is also under-constrained for now.

The code for the base case is handled in crate::ivc::interpreter::ivc_circuit_base_case and the corresponding constraints are in crate::ivc::constraints::constrain_ivc. The fold iteration column is set at each row by each process_* function in the interpreter.
