use crate::utils::encode_for_domain;
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use ark_poly::{EvaluationDomain, Evaluations, Radix2EvaluationDomain};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use thiserror::Error;
use tracing::instrument;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Diff<F: PrimeField> {
pub chunks: Vec<Vec<(usize, F)>>,
pub new_byte_len: usize,
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum DiffError {
#[error("Capacity Mismatch: maximum number of chunks is {max_number_chunks}, attempted to create {attempted}")]
CapacityMismatch {
max_number_chunks: usize,
attempted: usize,
impl<F: PrimeField> Diff<F> {
#[instrument(skip_all, level = "debug")]
pub fn create<D: EvaluationDomain<F>>(
domain: &D,
old: &[u8],
new: &[u8],
) -> Result<Diff<F>, DiffError> {
let old_elems: Vec<Vec<F>> = encode_for_domain(domain, old);
let mut new_elems: Vec<Vec<F>> = encode_for_domain(domain, new);
if old_elems.len() < new_elems.len() {
return Err(DiffError::CapacityMismatch {
max_number_chunks: old_elems.len(),
attempted: new_elems.len(),
if old_elems.len() > new_elems.len() {
let padding = vec![F::zero(); domain.size()];
new_elems.resize(old_elems.len(), padding);
Ok(Diff {
new_byte_len: new.len(),
chunks: new_elems
.map(|(n, o)| {
.map(|(index, (a, b))| (index, *a - b))
.filter(|(_, x)| !x.is_zero())
#[instrument(skip_all, level = "debug")]
pub fn as_evaluations(
domain: &Radix2EvaluationDomain<F>,
) -> Vec<Evaluations<F, Radix2EvaluationDomain<F>>> {
.map(|diff| {
let mut evals = vec![F::zero(); domain.size()];
diff.iter().for_each(|(j, val)| {
evals[*j] = *val;
Evaluations::from_vec_and_domain(evals, *domain)
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::utils::{chunk_size_in_bytes, min_encoding_chunks, test_utils::UserData};
use ark_ff::Zero;
use ark_poly::{EvaluationDomain, Radix2EvaluationDomain};
use mina_curves::pasta::Fp;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use rand::Rng;
static DOMAIN: Lazy<Radix2EvaluationDomain<Fp>> =
Lazy::new(|| Radix2EvaluationDomain::new(1 << 16).unwrap());
pub fn randomize_data(threshold: f64, data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
.map(|b| {
let n = rng.gen::<f64>();
if n < threshold {
} else {
pub fn random_diff(UserData(xs): UserData) -> BoxedStrategy<(UserData, UserData)> {
let n_chunks = min_encoding_chunks(&*DOMAIN, &xs);
let max_byte_len = n_chunks * chunk_size_in_bytes(&*DOMAIN);
(0.0..=1.0, 0..=max_byte_len)
.prop_flat_map(move |(threshold, n)| {
let mut ys = randomize_data(threshold, &xs);
ys.resize_with(n, rand::random);
Just((UserData(xs.clone()), UserData(ys)))
fn add(mut evals: Vec<Vec<Fp>>, diff: &Diff<Fp>) -> Vec<Vec<Fp>> {
.for_each(|(eval_chunk, diff_chunk)| {
diff_chunk.iter().for_each(|(j, val)| {
eval_chunk[*j] += val;
proptest! {
fn test_allow_legal_diff((UserData(xs), UserData(ys)) in
) {
let diff = Diff::<Fp>::create(&*DOMAIN, &xs, &ys);
let xs_elems = encode_for_domain(&*DOMAIN, &xs);
let ys_elems = {
let pad = vec![Fp::zero(); DOMAIN.size()];
let mut elems = encode_for_domain(&*DOMAIN, &ys);
elems.resize(xs_elems.len(), pad);
let result = add(xs_elems.clone(), &diff.unwrap());
prop_assert_eq!(result, ys_elems);
proptest! {
fn test_cannot_construct_bad_diff(
(threshold, (UserData(data), UserData(mut extra))) in (
UserData::arbitrary().prop_flat_map(|UserData(d1)| {
"length constraint", {
move |UserData(d2)| {
let combined = &[d1.as_slice(), d2.as_slice()].concat();
if min_encoding_chunks(&*DOMAIN, &d1) <
min_encoding_chunks(&*DOMAIN, combined) {
Some((UserData(d1.clone()), UserData(d2)))
} else {
) {
let mut ys = randomize_data(threshold, &data);
ys.append(&mut extra);
let diff = Diff::<Fp>::create(&*DOMAIN, &data, &ys);