1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
mod combine;
pub mod commitment;
pub mod error;
pub mod hash_map_cache;
pub mod ipa;
pub mod kzg;
pub mod utils;
// Exposing property based tests for the SRS trait
pub mod pbt_srs;
pub use commitment::PolyComm;
use crate::{
commitment::{BatchEvaluationProof, BlindedCommitment, CommitmentCurve},
use ark_ec::AffineRepr;
use ark_ff::UniformRand;
use ark_poly::{
univariate::DensePolynomial, EvaluationDomain, Evaluations, Radix2EvaluationDomain as D,
use mina_poseidon::FqSponge;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
pub trait SRS<G: CommitmentCurve>: Clone + Sized {
/// The maximum polynomial degree that can be committed to
fn max_poly_size(&self) -> usize;
/// Get the group element used for blinding commitments
fn blinding_commitment(&self) -> G;
/// Same as [SRS::mask] except that you can pass the blinders manually.
/// A [BlindedCommitment] object is returned instead of a PolyComm object to
/// keep the blinding factors and the commitment together. The blinded
/// commitment is saved in the commitment field of the output.
/// The output is wrapped into a [Result] to handle the case the blinders
/// are not the same length than the number of chunks commitments have.
fn mask_custom(
com: PolyComm<G>,
blinders: &PolyComm<G::ScalarField>,
) -> Result<BlindedCommitment<G>, CommitmentError>;
/// Turns a non-hiding polynomial commitment into a hidding polynomial
/// commitment. Transforms each given `<a, G>` into `(<a, G> + wH, w)` with
/// a random `w` per commitment.
/// A [BlindedCommitment] object is returned instead of a PolyComm object to
/// keep the blinding factors and the commitment together. The blinded
/// commitment is saved in the commitment field of the output.
fn mask(
comm: PolyComm<G>,
rng: &mut (impl RngCore + CryptoRng),
) -> BlindedCommitment<G> {
let blinders = comm.map(|_| G::ScalarField::rand(rng));
self.mask_custom(comm, &blinders).unwrap()
/// This function commits a polynomial using the SRS' basis of size `n`.
/// - `plnm`: polynomial to commit to. The polynomial can be of any degree,
/// including higher than `n`.
/// - `num_chunks`: the minimal number of commitments to be included in the
/// output polynomial commitment.
/// The function returns the commitments to the chunks (of size at most `n`) of
/// the polynomials.
/// The function will also pad with zeroes if the polynomial has a degree
/// smaller than `n * num_chunks`.
/// Note that if the polynomial has a degree higher than `n * num_chunks`,
/// the output will contain more than `num_chunks` commitments as it will
/// also contain the additional chunks.
/// See the test
/// [crate::pbt_srs::test_regression_commit_non_hiding_expected_number_of_chunks]
/// for an example of the number of chunks returned.
fn commit_non_hiding(
plnm: &DensePolynomial<G::ScalarField>,
num_chunks: usize,
) -> PolyComm<G>;
/// Commits a polynomial, potentially splitting the result in multiple
/// commitments.
/// It is analogous to [SRS::commit_evaluations] but for polynomials.
/// A [BlindedCommitment] object is returned instead of a PolyComm object to
/// keep the blinding factors and the commitment together. The blinded
/// commitment is saved in the commitment field of the output.
fn commit(
plnm: &DensePolynomial<G::ScalarField>,
num_chunks: usize,
rng: &mut (impl RngCore + CryptoRng),
) -> BlindedCommitment<G>;
/// Commit to a polynomial, with custom blinding factors.
/// It is a combination of [SRS::commit] and [SRS::mask_custom].
/// It is analogous to [SRS::commit_evaluations_custom] but for polynomials.
/// A [BlindedCommitment] object is returned instead of a PolyComm object to
/// keep the blinding factors and the commitment together. The blinded
/// commitment is saved in the commitment field of the output.
/// The output is wrapped into a [Result] to handle the case the blinders
/// are not the same length than the number of chunks commitments have.
fn commit_custom(
plnm: &DensePolynomial<G::ScalarField>,
num_chunks: usize,
blinders: &PolyComm<G::ScalarField>,
) -> Result<BlindedCommitment<G>, CommitmentError>;
/// Commit to evaluations, without blinding factors.
/// It is analogous to [SRS::commit_non_hiding] but for evaluations.
fn commit_evaluations_non_hiding(
domain: D<G::ScalarField>,
plnm: &Evaluations<G::ScalarField, D<G::ScalarField>>,
) -> PolyComm<G>;
/// Commit to evaluations with blinding factors, generated using the random
/// number generator `rng`.
/// It is analogous to [SRS::commit] but for evaluations.
/// A [BlindedCommitment] object is returned instead of a PolyComm object to
/// keep the blinding factors and the commitment together. The blinded
/// commitment is saved in the commitment field of the output.
fn commit_evaluations(
domain: D<G::ScalarField>,
plnm: &Evaluations<G::ScalarField, D<G::ScalarField>>,
rng: &mut (impl RngCore + CryptoRng),
) -> BlindedCommitment<G>;
/// Commit to evaluations with custom blinding factors.
/// It is a combination of [SRS::commit_evaluations] and [SRS::mask_custom].
/// It is analogous to [SRS::commit_custom] but for evaluations.
/// A [BlindedCommitment] object is returned instead of a PolyComm object to
/// keep the blinding factors and the commitment together. The blinded
/// commitment is saved in the commitment field of the output.
/// The output is wrapped into a [Result] to handle the case the blinders
/// are not the same length than the number of chunks commitments have.
fn commit_evaluations_custom(
domain: D<G::ScalarField>,
plnm: &Evaluations<G::ScalarField, D<G::ScalarField>>,
blinders: &PolyComm<G::ScalarField>,
) -> Result<BlindedCommitment<G>, CommitmentError>;
/// Create an SRS of size `depth`.
/// Warning: in the case of a trusted setup, as it is required for a
/// polynomial commitment scheme like KZG, a toxic waste is generated using
/// `rand::thread_rng()`. This is not the behavior you would expect in a
/// production environment.
/// However, we do accept this behavior for the sake of simplicity in the
/// interface, and this method will only be supposed to be used in tests in
/// this case.
fn create(depth: usize) -> Self;
/// Compute commitments to the lagrange basis corresponding to the given domain and
/// cache them in the SRS
fn get_lagrange_basis(&self, domain: D<G::ScalarField>) -> &Vec<PolyComm<G>>;
/// Same as `get_lagrange_basis` but only using the domain size.
fn get_lagrange_basis_from_domain_size(&self, domain_size: usize) -> &Vec<PolyComm<G>>;
fn size(&self) -> usize;
/// An alias to represent a polynomial (in either coefficient or
/// evaluation form), with a set of *scalar field* elements that
/// represent the exponent of its blinder.
// TODO: add a string to name the polynomial
type PolynomialsToCombine<'a, G: CommitmentCurve, D: EvaluationDomain<G::ScalarField>> = &'a [(
DensePolynomialOrEvaluations<'a, G::ScalarField, D>,
pub trait OpenProof<G: CommitmentCurve>: Sized + Clone {
type SRS: SRS<G> + std::fmt::Debug;
/// Create an opening proof for a batch of polynomials. The parameters are
/// the following:
/// - `srs`: the structured reference string used to commit
/// to the polynomials
/// - `group_map`: the group map
/// - `plnms`: the list of polynomials to open, with possible blinders.
/// The type is simply an alias to handle the polynomials in evaluations or
/// coefficients forms.
/// - `elm`: the evaluation points
/// - `polyscale`: a challenge to bacth the polynomials.
/// - `evalscale`: a challenge to bacth the evaluation points
/// - `sponge`: Sponge used to coin and absorb values and simulate
/// non-interactivity using the Fiat-Shamir transformation.
/// - `rng`: a pseudo random number generator used for zero-knowledge
fn open<EFqSponge, RNG, D: EvaluationDomain<<G as AffineRepr>::ScalarField>>(
srs: &Self::SRS,
group_map: &<G as CommitmentCurve>::Map,
plnms: PolynomialsToCombine<G, D>,
elm: &[<G as AffineRepr>::ScalarField],
polyscale: <G as AffineRepr>::ScalarField,
evalscale: <G as AffineRepr>::ScalarField,
sponge: EFqSponge,
rng: &mut RNG,
) -> Self
Clone + FqSponge<<G as AffineRepr>::BaseField, G, <G as AffineRepr>::ScalarField>,
RNG: RngCore + CryptoRng;
/// Verify the opening proof
fn verify<EFqSponge, RNG>(
srs: &Self::SRS,
group_map: &G::Map,
batch: &mut [BatchEvaluationProof<G, EFqSponge, Self>],
rng: &mut RNG,
) -> bool
EFqSponge: FqSponge<G::BaseField, G, G::ScalarField>,
RNG: RngCore + CryptoRng;