use super::{
self, IInstruction, Instruction, InterpreterEnv, MInstruction, RInstruction, SBInstruction,
SInstruction, SyscallInstruction, UInstruction, UJInstruction,
use crate::{
use ark_ff::Field;
use std::array;
pub const MAX_NB_REG_ACC: u64 = 7;
pub const MAX_NB_MEM_ACC: u64 = 12;
pub const MAX_ACC: u64 = MAX_NB_REG_ACC + MAX_NB_MEM_ACC;
pub const NUM_GLOBAL_LOOKUP_TERMS: usize = 1;
pub const NUM_DECODING_LOOKUP_TERMS: usize = 2;
pub const NUM_INSTRUCTION_LOOKUP_TERMS: usize = 5;
pub const NUM_LOOKUP_TERMS: usize =
pub struct Env<Fp> {
pub instruction_counter: u64,
pub memory: Vec<(u32, Vec<u8>)>,
pub last_memory_accesses: [usize; 3],
pub memory_write_index: Vec<(u32, Vec<u64>)>,
pub last_memory_write_index_accesses: [usize; 3],
pub registers: Registers<u32>,
pub registers_write_index: Registers<u64>,
pub scratch_state_idx: usize,
pub scratch_state: [Fp; SCRATCH_SIZE],
pub halt: bool,
pub selector: usize,
fn fresh_scratch_state<Fp: Field, const N: usize>() -> [Fp; N] {
array::from_fn(|_| Fp::zero())
impl<Fp: Field> InterpreterEnv for Env<Fp> {
type Position = Column;
fn alloc_scratch(&mut self) -> Self::Position {
let scratch_idx = self.scratch_state_idx;
self.scratch_state_idx += 1;
type Variable = u64;
fn variable(&self, _column: Self::Position) -> Self::Variable {
fn add_constraint(&mut self, _assert_equals_zero: Self::Variable) {
fn activate_selector(&mut self, instruction: Instruction) {
self.selector = instruction.into();
fn check_is_zero(assert_equals_zero: &Self::Variable) {
assert_eq!(*assert_equals_zero, 0);
fn check_equal(x: &Self::Variable, y: &Self::Variable) {
assert_eq!(*x, *y);
fn assert_boolean(&mut self, x: &Self::Variable) {
if *x != 0 && *x != 1 {
panic!("The value {} is not a boolean", *x);
fn add_lookup(&mut self, _lookup: Lookup<Self::Variable>) {
fn instruction_counter(&self) -> Self::Variable {
fn increase_instruction_counter(&mut self) {
self.instruction_counter += 1;
unsafe fn fetch_register(
&mut self,
idx: &Self::Variable,
output: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let res = self.registers[*idx as usize] as u64;
self.write_column(output, res);
unsafe fn push_register_if(
&mut self,
idx: &Self::Variable,
value: Self::Variable,
if_is_true: &Self::Variable,
) {
let value: u32 = value.try_into().unwrap();
if *if_is_true == 1 {
self.registers[*idx as usize] = value
} else if *if_is_true == 0 {
} else {
panic!("Bad value for flag in push_register: {}", *if_is_true);
unsafe fn fetch_register_access(
&mut self,
idx: &Self::Variable,
output: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let res = self.registers_write_index[*idx as usize];
self.write_column(output, res);
unsafe fn push_register_access_if(
&mut self,
idx: &Self::Variable,
value: Self::Variable,
if_is_true: &Self::Variable,
) {
if *if_is_true == 1 {
self.registers_write_index[*idx as usize] = value
} else if *if_is_true == 0 {
} else {
panic!("Bad value for flag in push_register: {}", *if_is_true);
unsafe fn fetch_memory(
&mut self,
addr: &Self::Variable,
output: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let addr: u32 = (*addr).try_into().unwrap();
let page = addr >> PAGE_ADDRESS_SIZE;
let page_address = (addr & PAGE_ADDRESS_MASK) as usize;
let memory_page_idx = self.get_memory_page_index(page);
let value = self.memory[memory_page_idx].1[page_address];
self.write_column(output, value.into());
unsafe fn push_memory(&mut self, addr: &Self::Variable, value: Self::Variable) {
let addr: u32 = (*addr).try_into().unwrap();
let page = addr >> PAGE_ADDRESS_SIZE;
let page_address = (addr & PAGE_ADDRESS_MASK) as usize;
let memory_page_idx = self.get_memory_page_index(page);
self.memory[memory_page_idx].1[page_address] =
value.try_into().expect("push_memory values fit in a u8");
unsafe fn fetch_memory_access(
&mut self,
addr: &Self::Variable,
output: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let addr: u32 = (*addr).try_into().unwrap();
let page = addr >> PAGE_ADDRESS_SIZE;
let page_address = (addr & PAGE_ADDRESS_MASK) as usize;
let memory_write_index_page_idx = self.get_memory_access_page_index(page);
let value = self.memory_write_index[memory_write_index_page_idx].1[page_address];
self.write_column(output, value);
unsafe fn push_memory_access(&mut self, addr: &Self::Variable, value: Self::Variable) {
let addr = *addr as u32;
let page = addr >> PAGE_ADDRESS_SIZE;
let page_address = (addr & PAGE_ADDRESS_MASK) as usize;
let memory_write_index_page_idx = self.get_memory_access_page_index(page);
self.memory_write_index[memory_write_index_page_idx].1[page_address] = value;
fn constant(x: u32) -> Self::Variable {
x as u64
unsafe fn bitmask(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
highest_bit: u32,
lowest_bit: u32,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
lowest_bit < highest_bit,
"The lowest bit must be strictly lower than the highest bit"
highest_bit <= 32,
"The interpreter is for a 32bits architecture"
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let res = (x >> lowest_bit) & ((1 << (highest_bit - lowest_bit)) - 1);
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn shift_left(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
by: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let by: u32 = (*by).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x << by;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn shift_right(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
by: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let by: u32 = (*by).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x >> by;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn shift_right_arithmetic(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
by: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let by: u32 = (*by).try_into().unwrap();
let res = ((x as i32) >> by) as u32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn test_zero(&mut self, x: &Self::Variable, position: Self::Position) -> Self::Variable {
let res = if *x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn inverse_or_zero(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
if *x == 0 {
self.write_column(position, 0);
} else {
self.write_field_column(position, Fp::from(*x).inverse().unwrap());
1 }
fn is_zero(&mut self, x: &Self::Variable) -> Self::Variable {
let pos = self.alloc_scratch();
let res = if *x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
self.write_column(pos, res);
let pos = self.alloc_scratch();
let inv_or_zero = if *x == 0 {
} else {
self.write_field_column(pos, inv_or_zero);
fn equal(&mut self, x: &Self::Variable, y: &Self::Variable) -> Self::Variable {
if x > y {
self.is_zero(&(*x - *y))
} else {
self.is_zero(&(*y - *x))
unsafe fn test_less_than(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = if x < y { 1 } else { 0 };
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn test_less_than_signed(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = if (x as i32) < (y as i32) { 1 } else { 0 };
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn and_witness(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x & y;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn nor_witness(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = !(x | y);
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn or_witness(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x | y;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn xor_witness(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x ^ y;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn add_witness(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
out_position: Self::Position,
overflow_position: Self::Position,
) -> (Self::Variable, Self::Variable) {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x.overflowing_add(y);
let (res_, overflow) = (res.0 as u64, res.1 as u64);
self.write_column(out_position, res_);
self.write_column(overflow_position, overflow);
(res_, overflow)
unsafe fn sub_witness(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
out_position: Self::Position,
underflow_position: Self::Position,
) -> (Self::Variable, Self::Variable) {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x.overflowing_sub(y);
let (res_, underflow) = (res.0 as u64, res.1 as u64);
self.write_column(out_position, res_);
self.write_column(underflow_position, underflow);
(res_, underflow)
unsafe fn mul_signed_witness(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = ((x as i32) * (y as i32)) as u32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn mul_hi_signed(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: i32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: i32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = (x as i64) * (y as i64);
let res = (res >> 32) as i32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn mul_lo_signed(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: i32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: i32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = ((x as i64) * (y as i64)) as u64;
let res = (res & ((1 << 32) - 1)) as u32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn mul_hi(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = (x as u64) * (y as u64);
let res = (res >> 32) as u32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn mul_hi_signed_unsigned(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = (((x as i32) as i64) * (y as i64)) as u64;
let res = (res >> 32) as u32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn div_signed(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: i32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: i32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = (x / y) as u32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn mul_lo(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = (x as u64) * (y as u64);
let res = (res & ((1 << 32) - 1)) as u32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn mod_signed(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: i32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: i32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = (x % y) as u32;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn div(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x / y;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn mod_unsigned(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
y: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let y: u32 = (*y).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x % y;
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn count_leading_zeros(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x.leading_zeros();
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
unsafe fn count_leading_ones(
&mut self,
x: &Self::Variable,
position: Self::Position,
) -> Self::Variable {
let x: u32 = (*x).try_into().unwrap();
let res = x.leading_ones();
let res = res as u64;
self.write_column(position, res);
fn copy(&mut self, x: &Self::Variable, position: Self::Position) -> Self::Variable {
self.write_column(position, *x);
fn set_halted(&mut self, flag: Self::Variable) {
if flag == 0 {
self.halt = false
} else if flag == 1 {
self.halt = true
} else {
panic!("Bad value for flag in set_halted: {}", flag);
fn report_exit(&mut self, exit_code: &Self::Variable) {
"Exited with code {} at step {}",
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.scratch_state_idx = 0;
self.scratch_state = fresh_scratch_state();
self.selector = INSTRUCTION_SET_SIZE;
impl<Fp: Field> Env<Fp> {
pub fn create(page_size: usize, state: State) -> Self {
let initial_instruction_pointer = state.pc;
let next_instruction_pointer = state.next_pc;
let selector = INSTRUCTION_SET_SIZE;
let mut initial_memory: Vec<(u32, Vec<u8>)> = state
.map(|page| (page.index,
for (_address, initial_memory) in initial_memory.iter_mut() {
initial_memory.extend((0..(page_size - initial_memory.len())).map(|_| 0u8));
assert_eq!(initial_memory.len(), page_size);
let memory_offsets = initial_memory
.map(|(offset, _)| *offset)
let initial_registers = {
Registers {
general_purpose: state.registers,
current_instruction_pointer: initial_instruction_pointer,
heap_pointer: state.heap,
let mut registers = initial_registers.clone();
registers[2] = 0x408004f0;
Env {
instruction_counter: state.step,
memory: initial_memory.clone(),
last_memory_accesses: [0usize; 3],
memory_write_index: memory_offsets
.map(|offset| (*offset, vec![0u64; page_size]))
last_memory_write_index_accesses: [0usize; 3],
registers_write_index: Registers::default(),
scratch_state_idx: 0,
scratch_state: fresh_scratch_state(),
halt: state.exited,
pub fn next_instruction_counter(&self) -> u64 {
(self.normalized_instruction_counter() + 1) * MAX_ACC
pub fn decode_instruction(&mut self) -> (Instruction, u32) {
let instruction =
((self.get_memory_direct(self.registers.current_instruction_pointer) as u32) << 24)
| ((self.get_memory_direct(self.registers.current_instruction_pointer + 1) as u32)
<< 16)
| ((self.get_memory_direct(self.registers.current_instruction_pointer + 2) as u32)
<< 8)
| (self.get_memory_direct(self.registers.current_instruction_pointer + 3) as u32);
let instruction = instruction.to_be(); let opcode = {
match instruction & 0b1111111 {
0b0110111 => Instruction::UType(UInstruction::LoadUpperImmediate),
0b0010111 => Instruction::UType(UInstruction::AddUpperImmediate),
0b1101111 => Instruction::UJType(UJInstruction::JumpAndLink),
0b1100011 =>
match (instruction >> 12) & 0x7 {
0b000 => Instruction::SBType(SBInstruction::BranchEq),
0b001 => Instruction::SBType(SBInstruction::BranchNeq),
0b100 => Instruction::SBType(SBInstruction::BranchLessThan),
0b101 => Instruction::SBType(SBInstruction::BranchGreaterThanEqual),
0b110 => Instruction::SBType(SBInstruction::BranchLessThanUnsigned),
0b111 => Instruction::SBType(SBInstruction::BranchGreaterThanEqualUnsigned),
_ => panic!("Unknown SBType instruction with full inst {}", instruction),
0b1100111 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::JumpAndLinkRegister),
0b0000011 =>
match (instruction >> 12) & 0x7 {
0b000 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::LoadByte),
0b001 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::LoadHalf),
0b010 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::LoadWord),
0b100 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::LoadByteUnsigned),
0b101 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::LoadHalfUnsigned),
_ => panic!("Unknown IType instruction with full inst {}", instruction),
0b0100011 =>
match (instruction >> 12) & 0x7 {
0b000 => Instruction::SType(SInstruction::StoreByte),
0b001 => Instruction::SType(SInstruction::StoreHalf),
0b010 => Instruction::SType(SInstruction::StoreWord),
_ => panic!("Unknown SType instruction with full inst {}", instruction),
0b0010011 =>
match (instruction >> 12) & 0x7 {
0b000 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::AddImmediate),
0b010 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::SetLessThanImmediate),
0b011 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::SetLessThanImmediateUnsigned),
0b100 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::XorImmediate),
0b110 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::OrImmediate),
0b111 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::AndImmediate),
0b001 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::ShiftLeftLogicalImmediate),
0b101 =>
match (instruction >> 30) & 0x1 {
0b0 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::ShiftRightLogicalImmediate),
0b1 => Instruction::IType(IInstruction::ShiftRightArithmeticImmediate),
_ => panic!("Unknown IType in shift right instructions with full inst {}", instruction),
_ => panic!("Unknown IType instruction with full inst {}", instruction),
0b0110011 => {
let funct5 = instruction >> 27 & 0x1F; let funct2 = instruction >> 25 & 0x3; let funct3 = instruction >> 12 & 0x7; match funct2 {
0b00 => {
match funct5 {
0b00000 => {
match funct3 {
0b000 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::Add),
0b001 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::ShiftLeftLogical),
0b010 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::SetLessThan),
0b011 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::SetLessThanUnsigned),
0b100 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::Xor),
0b101 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::ShiftRightLogical),
0b110 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::Or),
0b111 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::And),
_ => panic!("This case should never happen as funct3 is 8 bits long and all possible case are implemented. However, we still have an unknown opcode 0110011 instruction with full inst {} (funct5 = {}, funct2 = {}, funct3 = {})", instruction, funct5, funct2, funct3),
0b01000 => {
match funct3 {
0b000 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::Sub),
0b101 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::ShiftRightArithmetic),
_ => panic!("Unknown opcode 0110011 instruction with full inst {} (funct5 = {}, funct2 = {}, funct3 = {})", instruction, funct5, funct2, funct3),
1_u32..=7_u32 | 9_u32..=u32::MAX =>
panic!("Unknown opcode 0110011 instruction with full inst {} (funct5 = {}, funct2 = {}, funct3 = {})", instruction, funct5, funct2, funct3),
0b01 => {
match funct5 {
0b00000 => {
match funct3 {
0b000 => Instruction::MType(MInstruction::Mul),
0b001 => Instruction::MType(MInstruction::Mulh),
0b010 => Instruction::MType(MInstruction::Mulhsu),
0b011 => Instruction::MType(MInstruction::Mulhu),
0b100 => Instruction::MType(MInstruction::Div),
0b101 => Instruction::MType(MInstruction::Divu),
0b110 => Instruction::MType(MInstruction::Rem),
0b111 => Instruction::MType(MInstruction::Remu),
_ => panic!("This case should never happen as funct3 is 8 bits long and all possible case are implemented. However, we still have an unknown opcode 0110011 instruction with full inst {} (funct5 = {}, funct2 = {}, funct3 = {})", instruction, funct5, funct2, funct3),
1_u32..=u32::MAX => panic!("Unknown 0110011 instruction with full inst {} (funct5 = {}, funct2 = {}, funct3 = {})", instruction, funct5, funct2, funct3),
_ => panic!("Unknown RType 0110011 instruction with full inst {} (funct5 = {}, funct2 = {}, funct3 = {})", instruction, funct5, funct2, funct3),
0b0001111 =>
match (instruction >> 12) & 0x7 {
0b000 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::Fence),
0b001 => Instruction::RType(RInstruction::FenceI),
_ => panic!("Unknown RType 0001111 (Fence) instruction with full inst {}", instruction),
0b1110011 => Instruction::SyscallType(SyscallInstruction::SyscallSuccess),
_ => panic!("Unknown instruction with full inst {:b}, and opcode {:b}", instruction, instruction & 0b1111111),
(opcode, instruction)
pub fn step(&mut self) -> Instruction {
let (opcode, _instruction) = self.decode_instruction();
interpreter::interpret_instruction(self, opcode);
self.instruction_counter = self.next_instruction_counter();
if self.halt {
"Halted at step={} instruction={:?}",
pub fn reset_scratch_state(&mut self) {
self.scratch_state_idx = 0;
self.scratch_state = fresh_scratch_state();
self.selector = INSTRUCTION_SET_SIZE;
pub fn write_column(&mut self, column: Column, value: u64) {
self.write_field_column(column, value.into())
pub fn write_field_column(&mut self, column: Column, value: Fp) {
match column {
Column::ScratchState(idx) => self.scratch_state[idx] = value,
Column::InstructionCounter => panic!("Cannot overwrite the column {:?}", column),
Column::Selector(s) => self.selector = s,
pub fn update_last_memory_access(&mut self, i: usize) {
let [i_0, i_1, _] = self.last_memory_accesses;
self.last_memory_accesses = [i, i_0, i_1]
pub fn get_memory_page_index(&mut self, page: u32) -> usize {
for &i in self.last_memory_accesses.iter() {
if self.memory_write_index[i].0 == page {
return i;
for (i, (page_index, _memory)) in self.memory.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if *page_index == page {
return i;
let memory = vec![0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
self.memory.push((page, memory));
let i = self.memory.len() - 1;
pub fn update_last_memory_write_index_access(&mut self, i: usize) {
let [i_0, i_1, _] = self.last_memory_write_index_accesses;
self.last_memory_write_index_accesses = [i, i_0, i_1]
pub fn get_memory_access_page_index(&mut self, page: u32) -> usize {
for &i in self.last_memory_write_index_accesses.iter() {
if self.memory_write_index[i].0 == page {
return i;
for (i, (page_index, _memory_write_index)) in self.memory_write_index.iter_mut().enumerate()
if *page_index == page {
return i;
let memory_write_index = vec![0u64; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
self.memory_write_index.push((page, memory_write_index));
let i = self.memory_write_index.len() - 1;
pub fn get_memory_direct(&mut self, addr: u32) -> u8 {
let page = addr >> PAGE_ADDRESS_SIZE;
let page_address = (addr & PAGE_ADDRESS_MASK) as usize;
let memory_idx = self.get_memory_page_index(page);
pub fn normalized_instruction_counter(&self) -> u64 {
self.instruction_counter / MAX_ACC