1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
/// Provides generic environment traits that allow manipulating columns and
/// requesting lookups.
/// Every trait implies two categories of implementations:
/// constraint ones (that operate over expressions, building a
/// circuit), and witness ones (that operate over values, building
/// values for the circuit).
use crate::{columns::ColumnIndexer, logup::LookupTableID};
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
/// Environment capability for accessing and reading columns. This is necessary for
/// building constraints.
pub trait ColAccessCap<F: PrimeField, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>> {
// NB: 'static here means that `Variable` does not contain any
// references with a lifetime less than 'static. Which is true in
// our case. Necessary for `set_assert_mapper`
type Variable: Clone
+ std::ops::Add<Self::Variable, Output = Self::Variable>
+ std::ops::Sub<Self::Variable, Output = Self::Variable>
+ std::ops::Mul<Self::Variable, Output = Self::Variable>
+ std::ops::Neg<Output = Self::Variable>
+ From<u64>
+ std::fmt::Debug
+ 'static;
/// Asserts that the value is zero.
fn assert_zero(&mut self, cst: Self::Variable);
/// Sets an assert predicate `f(X)` such that when assert_zero is
/// called on x, it will actually perform `assert_zero(f(x))`.
fn set_assert_mapper(&mut self, mapper: Box<dyn Fn(Self::Variable) -> Self::Variable>);
/// Reads value from a column position.
fn read_column(&self, col: CIx) -> Self::Variable;
/// Turns a constant value into a variable.
fn constant(value: F) -> Self::Variable;
/// Environment capability similar to `ColAccessCap` but for /also
/// writing/ columns. Used on the witness side.
pub trait ColWriteCap<F: PrimeField, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>>
Self: ColAccessCap<F, CIx>,
fn write_column(&mut self, col: CIx, value: &Self::Variable);
/// Capability for invoking table lookups.
pub trait LookupCap<F: PrimeField, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>, LT: LookupTableID>
Self: ColAccessCap<F, CIx>,
/// Look up (read) value from a lookup table.
fn lookup(&mut self, lookup_id: LT, value: Vec<Self::Variable>);
/// Write a value into a runtime table. Panics if called on a fixed table.
fn lookup_runtime_write(&mut self, lookup_id: LT, value: Vec<Self::Variable>);
/// Capability for reading and moving forward in a multirow fashion.
/// Holds a "current" row that can be moved forward with `next_row`.
/// The `ColWriteCap` and `ColAccessCap` reason in terms of current
/// row. The two other methods can be used to read/write previous.
pub trait MultiRowReadCap<F: PrimeField, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>>
Self: ColWriteCap<F, CIx>,
/// Read value from a (row,column) position.
fn read_row_column(&mut self, row: usize, col: CIx) -> Self::Variable;
/// Progresses to the next row.
fn next_row(&mut self);
/// Returns the current row.
fn curr_row(&self) -> usize;
// TODO this trait is very powerful. It basically abstract
// WitnessBuilderEnv (and other, similar environments). Nothing
// similar can be implemented for constraint building envs.
// Where possible, do your computation over Variable or directly via
// F-typed inputs to a function.
/// A direct field access capability modelling an abstract witness
/// builder. Not for constraint building.
pub trait DirectWitnessCap<F: PrimeField, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>>
Self: MultiRowReadCap<F, CIx>,
/// Convert an abstract variable to a field element! Inverse of Env::constant().
fn variable_to_field(value: Self::Variable) -> F;
// Hybrid capabilities
/// Capability for computing arithmetic functions and enforcing
/// constraints simultaneously.
/// The "hybrid" in the name of the trait (and other traits here)
/// means "maybe".
/// That is, it allows computations which /might be/ no-ops (even
/// partially) in the constraint builder case. For example, "hcopy",
/// despite its name, does not do any "write", so hcopy !=>
/// write_column.
pub trait HybridCopyCap<F: PrimeField, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>>
Self: ColAccessCap<F, CIx>,
/// Given variable `x` and position `ix`, it (hybrid) writes `x`
/// into `ix`, and returns the value.
fn hcopy(&mut self, x: &Self::Variable, ix: CIx) -> Self::Variable;
// Helpers
/// Write an array of values simultaneously.
pub fn read_column_array<F, Env, const ARR_N: usize, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>, ColMap>(
env: &mut Env,
column_map: ColMap,
) -> [Env::Variable; ARR_N]
F: PrimeField,
Env: ColAccessCap<F, CIx>,
ColMap: Fn(usize) -> CIx,
core::array::from_fn(|i| env.read_column(column_map(i)))
/// Write a field element directly as a constant.
pub fn write_column_const<F, Env, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>>(env: &mut Env, col: CIx, var: &F)
F: PrimeField,
Env: ColWriteCap<F, CIx>,
env.write_column(col, &Env::constant(*var));
/// Write an array of values simultaneously.
pub fn write_column_array<F, Env, const ARR_N: usize, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>, ColMap>(
env: &mut Env,
input: [Env::Variable; ARR_N],
column_map: ColMap,
) where
F: PrimeField,
Env: ColWriteCap<F, CIx>,
ColMap: Fn(usize) -> CIx,
input.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, var)| {
env.write_column(column_map(i), var);
/// Write an array of /field/ values simultaneously.
pub fn write_column_array_const<F, Env, const ARR_N: usize, CIx: ColumnIndexer<usize>, ColMap>(
env: &mut Env,
input: &[F; ARR_N],
column_map: ColMap,
) where
F: PrimeField,
Env: ColWriteCap<F, CIx>,
ColMap: Fn(usize) -> CIx,
input.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, var)| {
env.write_column(column_map(i), &Env::constant(*var));