1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
//! Foreign field addition gate.
use crate::circuits::{
argument::{Argument, ArgumentEnv, ArgumentType},
constraints::{compact_limb, ExprOps},
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use std::{array, marker::PhantomData};
//~ These circuit gates are used to constrain that
//~ ```text
//~ left_input +/- right_input = field_overflow * foreign_modulus + result
//~ ##### Documentation
//~ For more details please see the [Foreign Field Addition](../kimchi/foreign_field_add.md) chapter.
//~ ##### Mapping
//~ To make things clearer, the following mapping between the variable names
//~ used in the code and those of the RFC document can be helpful.
//~ ```text
//~ left_input_lo -> a0 right_input_lo -> b0 result_lo -> r0 bound_lo -> u0
//~ left_input_mi -> a1 right_input_mi -> b1 result_mi -> r1 bound_mi -> u1
//~ left_input_hi -> a2 right_input_hi -> b2 result_hi -> r2 bound_hi -> u2
//~ field_overflow -> q
//~ sign -> s
//~ carry_lo -> c0
//~ carry_mi -> c1
//~ bound_carry_lo -> k0
//~ bound_carry_mi -> k1
//~ Note: Our limbs are 88-bit long. We denote with:
//~ * `lo` the least significant limb (in little-endian, this is from 0 to 87)
//~ * `mi` the middle limb (in little-endian, this is from 88 to 175)
//~ * `hi` the most significant limb (in little-endian, this is from 176 to 263)
//~ Let `left_input_lo`, `left_input_mi`, `left_input_hi` be 88-bit limbs of the left element
//~ Let `right_input_lo`, `right_input_mi`, `right_input_hi` be 88-bit limbs of the right element
//~ Let `foreign_modulus_lo`, `foreign_modulus_mi`, `foreign_modulus_hi` be 88-bit limbs of the foreign modulus
//~ Then the limbs of the result are
//~ * `result_lo = left_input_lo +/- right_input_lo - field_overflow * foreign_modulus_lo - 2^{88} * result_carry_lo`
//~ * `result_mi = left_input_mi +/- right_input_mi - field_overflow * foreign_modulus_mi - 2^{88} * result_carry_mi + result_carry_lo`
//~ * `result_hi = left_input_hi +/- right_input_hi - field_overflow * foreign_modulus_hi + result_carry_mi`
//~ `field_overflow` $=0$ or $1$ or $-1$ handles overflows in the field
//~ `result_carry_i` $= -1, 0, 1$ are auxiliary variables that handle carries between limbs
//~ Apart from the range checks of the chained inputs, we need to do an additional range check for a final bound
//~ to make sure that the result is less than the modulus, by adding `2^{3*88} - foreign_modulus` to it.
//~ (This can be computed easily from the limbs of the modulus)
//~ Note that `2^{264}` as limbs represents: (0, 0, 0, 1) then:
//~ The upper-bound check can be calculated as:
//~ * `bound_lo = result_lo - foreign_modulus_lo - bound_carry_lo * 2^{88}`
//~ * `bound_mi = result_mi - foreign_modulus_mi - bound_carry_mi * 2^{88} + bound_carry_lo`
//~ * `bound_hi = result_hi - foreign_modulus_hi + 2^{88} + bound_carry_mi`
//~ Which is equivalent to another foreign field addition with right input 2^{264}, q = 1 and s = 1
//~ * `bound_lo = result_lo + s * 0 - q * foreign_modulus_lo - bound_carry_lo * 2^{88}`
//~ * `bound_mi = result_mi + s * 0 - q * foreign_modulus_mi - bound_carry_mi * 2^{88} + bound_carry_lo`
//~ * `bound_hi = result_hi + s * 2^{88} - q * foreign_modulus_hi + bound_carry_mi`
//~ `bound_carry_i` $= 0$ or $1$ or $-1$ are auxiliary variables that handle carries between limbs
//~ The range check of `bound` can be skipped until the end of the operations
//~ and `result` is an intermediate value that is unused elsewhere (since the final `result`
//~ must have had the right amount of moduli subtracted along the way, meaning a multiple of the modulus).
//~ In other words, intermediate results could potentially give a valid witness that satisfies the constraints
//~ but where the result is larger than the modulus (yet smaller than 2^{264}). The reason that we have a
//~ final bound check is to make sure that the final result (`min_result`) is indeed the minimum one
//~ (meaning less than the modulus).
//~ A more optimized version of these constraints is able to reduce by 2 the number of constraints and
//~ by 1 the number of witness cells needed. The idea is to condense the low and middle limbs in one longer
//~ limb of 176 bits (which fits inside our native field) and getting rid of the low carry flag.
//~ With this idea in mind, the sole carry flag we need is the one located between the middle and the high limbs.
//~ ##### Layout
//~ The sign of the operation (whether it is an addition or a subtraction) is stored in the fourth coefficient as
//~ a value +1 (for addition) or -1 (for subtraction). The first 3 coefficients are the 3 limbs of the foreign modulus.
//~ One could lay this out as a double-width gate for chained foreign additions and a final row, e.g.:
//~ | col | `ForeignFieldAdd` | chain `ForeignFieldAdd` | final `ForeignFieldAdd` | final `Zero` |
//~ | --- | ------------------------ | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------- |
//~ | 0 | `left_input_lo` (copy) | `result_lo` (copy) | `min_result_lo` (copy) | `bound_lo` (copy) |
//~ | 1 | `left_input_mi` (copy) | `result_mi` (copy) | `min_result_mi` (copy) | `bound_mi` (copy) |
//~ | 2 | `left_input_hi` (copy) | `result_hi` (copy) | `min_result_hi` (copy) | `bound_hi` (copy) |
//~ | 3 | `right_input_lo` (copy) | | 0 (check) | |
//~ | 4 | `right_input_mi` (copy) | | 0 (check) | |
//~ | 5 | `right_input_hi` (copy) | | 2^88 (check) | |
//~ | 6 | `field_overflow` (copy?) | | 1 (check) | |
//~ | 7 | `carry` | | `bound_carry` | |
//~ | 8 | | | | |
//~ | 9 | | | | |
//~ | 10 | | | | |
//~ | 11 | | | | |
//~ | 12 | | | | |
//~ | 13 | | | | |
//~ | 14 | | | | |
//~ We reuse the foreign field addition gate for the final bound check since this is an addition with a
//~ specific parameter structure. Checking that the correct right input, overflow, and overflow are used shall
//~ be done by copy constraining these values with a public input value. One could have a specific gate
//~ for just this check requiring less constrains, but the cost of adding one more selector gate outweights
//~ the savings of one row and a few constraints of difference.
//~ ##### Integration
//~ * Copy final overflow bit from public input containing value 1
//~ * Range check the final bound
/// Implementation of the foreign field addition gate
/// - Operates on Curr and Next rows.
pub struct ForeignFieldAdd<F>(PhantomData<F>);
impl<F> Argument<F> for ForeignFieldAdd<F>
F: PrimeField,
const ARGUMENT_TYPE: ArgumentType = ArgumentType::Gate(GateType::ForeignFieldAdd);
const CONSTRAINTS: u32 = 4;
fn constraint_checks<T: ExprOps<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>>(
env: &ArgumentEnv<F, T>,
_cache: &mut Cache,
) -> Vec<T> {
let foreign_modulus: [T; LIMB_COUNT] = array::from_fn(|i| env.coeff(i));
// stored as coefficient for better correspondance with the relation being proved
// this reduces the number of copy constraints needed to check the operation
// it also allows the final bound check to copy the overflow bit to be 1
// because otherwise it did not fit in the first 7 columns of the row
let sign = env.coeff(3);
let left_input_lo = env.witness_curr(0);
let left_input_mi = env.witness_curr(1);
let left_input_hi = env.witness_curr(2);
let right_input_lo = env.witness_curr(3);
let right_input_mi = env.witness_curr(4);
let right_input_hi = env.witness_curr(5);
// sign in <7 to be able to check against public input of opcodes
let field_overflow = env.witness_curr(6);
// Result carry bits for limb overflows / underflows.
let carry = env.witness_curr(7);
let result_lo = env.witness_next(0);
let result_mi = env.witness_next(1);
let result_hi = env.witness_next(2);
// Sign flag is 1 or -1
// NOTE: we used to check this because sign was in the witness,
// but now it is publicly checkable as part of the relation itself
// Field overflow flag is 0 or s
let mut checks = vec![field_overflow.clone() * (field_overflow.clone() - sign.clone())];
// Constraints to check the carry flag is -1, 0, or 1.
// Auxiliary inline function to obtain the constraints of a foreign field addition result
// a_bot = a_0 + a_1 * 2^88
// b_bot = b_0 + b_1 * 2^88
// f_bot = f_0 + f_1 * 2^88
// r_bot = a_bot + s * b_bot - q * f_bot - c * 2^176
let result_bot = compact_limb(&left_input_lo, &left_input_mi)
+ sign.clone() * compact_limb(&right_input_lo, &right_input_mi)
- field_overflow.clone() * compact_limb(&foreign_modulus[0], &foreign_modulus[1])
- carry.clone() * T::two_to_2limb();
// r_top = a_2 + s * b_2 - q * f_2 + c
let result_top = left_input_hi + sign * right_input_hi
- field_overflow * foreign_modulus[2].clone()
+ carry;
// Result values match
// r_bot = r_0 + r_1 * 2^88
// r_top = r_2
checks.push(result_bot - compact_limb(&result_lo, &result_mi));
checks.push(result_top - result_hi);
// Auxiliary function to obtain the constraints to check a carry flag
fn is_carry<F: PrimeField, T: ExprOps<F, BerkeleyChallengeTerm>>(flag: &T) -> T {
// Carry bits are -1, 0, or 1.
flag.clone() * (flag.clone() - T::one()) * (flag.clone() + T::one())