use ark_ff::{FftField, Field, One};
use ark_poly::{Evaluations, Radix2EvaluationDomain as R2D};
use folding::{instance_witness::Foldable, Alphas, Instance, Witness};
use itertools::Itertools;
use kimchi::{self, circuits::berkeley_columns::BerkeleyChallengeTerm};
use kimchi_msm::{columns::Column, witness::Witness as GenericWitness};
use mina_poseidon::FqSponge;
use poly_commitment::{
commitment::{absorb_commitment, CommitmentCurve},
PolyComm, SRS,
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator as _, ParallelIterator as _};
use std::ops::Index;
use strum_macros::{EnumCount as EnumCountMacro, EnumIter};
pub trait CombinableEvals<F: Field>: PartialEq {
fn e_as_slice(&self) -> &[F];
fn e_as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [F];
impl<F: FftField> CombinableEvals<F> for Evaluations<F, R2D<F>> {
fn e_as_slice(&self) -> &[F] {
fn e_as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [F] {
impl<F: FftField> CombinableEvals<F> for Vec<F> {
fn e_as_slice(&self) -> &[F] {
fn e_as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [F] {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct PlonkishWitnessGeneric<const N_COL: usize, const N_FSEL: usize, F: Field, Evals> {
pub witness: GenericWitness<N_COL, Evals>,
pub fixed_selectors: GenericWitness<N_FSEL, Evals>,
pub phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<F>,
pub type PlonkishWitness<const N_COL: usize, const N_FSEL: usize, F> =
PlonkishWitnessGeneric<N_COL, N_FSEL, F, Evaluations<F, R2D<F>>>;
impl<const N_COL: usize, const N_FSEL: usize, F: Field, Evals: CombinableEvals<F>> Foldable<F>
for PlonkishWitnessGeneric<N_COL, N_FSEL, F, Evals>
fn combine(mut a: Self, b: Self, challenge: F) -> Self {
for (a, b) in (*a.witness.cols).iter_mut().zip(*(b.witness.cols)) {
for (a, b) in (a.e_as_mut_slice()).iter_mut().zip(b.e_as_slice()) {
*a += *b * challenge;
assert!(a.fixed_selectors == b.fixed_selectors);
const N_COL: usize,
const N_FSEL: usize,
Curve: CommitmentCurve,
Evals: CombinableEvals<Curve::ScalarField>,
> Witness<Curve> for PlonkishWitnessGeneric<N_COL, N_FSEL, Curve::ScalarField, Evals>
impl<const N_COL: usize, const N_FSEL: usize, F: FftField, Evals: CombinableEvals<F>>
Index<Column<usize>> for PlonkishWitnessGeneric<N_COL, N_FSEL, F, Evals>
type Output = [F];
fn index(&self, index: Column<usize>) -> &Self::Output {
match index {
Column::Relation(i) => self.witness.cols[i].e_as_slice(),
Column::FixedSelector(i) => self.fixed_selectors[i].e_as_slice(),
other => panic!("Invalid column index: {other:?}"),
impl<const N_COL: usize, const N_FSEL: usize, F: FftField> Index<()>
for PlonkishWitness<N_COL, N_FSEL, F>
type Output = [F];
fn index(&self, _index: ()) -> &Self::Output {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PlonkishInstance<
G: CommitmentCurve,
const N_COL: usize,
const N_CHALS: usize,
const N_ALPHAS: usize,
> {
pub commitments: [G; N_COL],
pub challenges: [G::ScalarField; N_CHALS],
pub alphas: Alphas<G::ScalarField>,
pub blinder: G::ScalarField,
impl<G: CommitmentCurve, const N_COL: usize, const N_CHALS: usize, const N_ALPHAS: usize>
Foldable<G::ScalarField> for PlonkishInstance<G, N_COL, N_CHALS, N_ALPHAS>
fn combine(a: Self, b: Self, challenge: G::ScalarField) -> Self {
Self {
commitments: std::array::from_fn(|i| {
(a.commitments[i] + b.commitments[i].mul(challenge)).into()
challenges: std::array::from_fn(|i| a.challenges[i] + challenge * b.challenges[i]),
alphas: Alphas::combine(a.alphas, b.alphas, challenge),
blinder: a.blinder + challenge * b.blinder,
impl<G: CommitmentCurve, const N_COL: usize, const N_CHALS: usize, const N_ALPHAS: usize>
Instance<G> for PlonkishInstance<G, N_COL, N_CHALS, N_ALPHAS>
fn to_absorb(&self) -> (Vec<G::ScalarField>, Vec<G>) {
let mut scalars = Vec::new();
let mut points = Vec::new();
(scalars, points)
fn get_alphas(&self) -> &Alphas<G::ScalarField> {
fn get_blinder(&self) -> G::ScalarField {
impl<G: CommitmentCurve, const N_COL: usize, const N_ALPHAS: usize>
PlonkishInstance<G, N_COL, 3, N_ALPHAS>
pub fn from_witness<
EFqSponge: FqSponge<G::BaseField, G, G::ScalarField>,
Srs: SRS<G> + std::marker::Sync,
w: &GenericWitness<N_COL, Evaluations<G::ScalarField, R2D<G::ScalarField>>>,
fq_sponge: &mut EFqSponge,
srs: &Srs,
domain: R2D<G::ScalarField>,
) -> Self {
let blinder = G::ScalarField::one();
let commitments: GenericWitness<N_COL, PolyComm<G>> = w
.map(|w| {
let blinder = PolyComm::new(vec![blinder; 1]);
let unblinded = srs.commit_evaluations_non_hiding(domain, w);
srs.mask_custom(unblinded, &blinder).unwrap().commitment
(&commitments).into_iter().for_each(|c| {
assert!(c.len() == 1);
absorb_commitment(fq_sponge, c)
let commitments: [G; N_COL] = commitments
.map(|c| c.get_first_chunk())
let beta = fq_sponge.challenge();
let gamma = fq_sponge.challenge();
let joint_combiner = fq_sponge.challenge();
let challenges = [beta, gamma, joint_combiner];
let alpha = fq_sponge.challenge();
let alphas = Alphas::new_sized(alpha, N_ALPHAS);
Self {
pub fn verify_from_witness<EFqSponge: FqSponge<G::BaseField, G, G::ScalarField>>(
fq_sponge: &mut EFqSponge,
) -> Result<(), String> {
(self.blinder == G::ScalarField::one())
.ok_or("Blinder must be one")?;
.for_each(|c| absorb_commitment(fq_sponge, &PolyComm { chunks: vec![*c] }));
let beta = fq_sponge.challenge();
let gamma = fq_sponge.challenge();
let joint_combiner = fq_sponge.challenge();
(self.challenges == [beta, gamma, joint_combiner])
.ok_or("Challenges do not match the expected result")?;
let alpha = fq_sponge.challenge();
(self.alphas == Alphas::new_sized(alpha, N_ALPHAS))
.ok_or("Alphas do not match the expected result")?;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, EnumIter, EnumCountMacro)]
pub enum PlonkishChallenge {
impl From<BerkeleyChallengeTerm> for PlonkishChallenge {
fn from(chal: BerkeleyChallengeTerm) -> Self {
match chal {
BerkeleyChallengeTerm::Beta => PlonkishChallenge::Beta,
BerkeleyChallengeTerm::Gamma => PlonkishChallenge::Gamma,
BerkeleyChallengeTerm::JointCombiner => PlonkishChallenge::JointCombiner,
BerkeleyChallengeTerm::Alpha => panic!("Alpha not allowed in folding expressions"),
impl<G: CommitmentCurve, const N_COL: usize, const N_ALPHAS: usize> Index<PlonkishChallenge>
for PlonkishInstance<G, N_COL, 3, N_ALPHAS>
type Output = G::ScalarField;
fn index(&self, index: PlonkishChallenge) -> &Self::Output {
match index {
PlonkishChallenge::Beta => &self.challenges[0],
PlonkishChallenge::Gamma => &self.challenges[1],
PlonkishChallenge::JointCombiner => &self.challenges[2],