1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
use curve::PlonkSpongeConstants;
use mina_poseidon::constants::SpongeConstants;
use strum::EnumCount as _;
pub mod challenge;
pub mod column;
pub mod column_env;
pub mod constraint;
pub mod curve;
pub mod interpreter;
pub mod logup;
pub mod poseidon_3_60_0_5_5_fp;
pub mod poseidon_3_60_0_5_5_fq;
pub mod proof;
pub mod prover;
pub mod setup;
pub mod verifier;
pub mod witness;
/// The maximum degree of the polynomial that can be represented by the
/// polynomial-time function the library supports.
pub const MAX_DEGREE: usize = 5;
/// The minimum SRS size required to use Nova, in base 2.
/// Requiring at least 2^16 to perform 16bits range checks.
pub const MIN_SRS_LOG2_SIZE: usize = 16;
/// The maximum number of columns that can be used in the circuit.
pub const NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS: usize = 15;
/// The number of rows the verifier circuit requires.
// We will increase the verifier circuit size step by step, while we are finishing
// the implementation.
// 1. We start by absorbing all the accumulators of each column. Adding one for
// now as the Poseidon circuit writes on the next row. This would be changing in
// the near future as we're polishing the circuit.
pub const VERIFIER_CIRCUIT_SIZE: usize =
(PlonkSpongeConstants::PERM_ROUNDS_FULL / 5) * NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS + 1;
/// The maximum number of public inputs the circuit can use per row
/// We do have 15 for now as we want to compute 5 rounds of poseidon per row
/// using the gadget [crate::column::Gadget::Poseidon]. In addition to
/// the 12 public inputs required for the rounds, we add 2 more for the values
/// to absorb.
pub const NUMBER_OF_PUBLIC_INPUTS: usize = 15 + 2;
/// The maximum number of bits the fields can be.
/// It is critical as we have some assumptions for the gadgets describing the
/// verifier circuit.
pub const MAXIMUM_FIELD_SIZE_IN_BITS: u64 = 255;
/// Define the number of values we must absorb when computating the hash to the
/// public IO.
/// FIXME:
/// For now, it is the number of columns as we are only absorbing the
/// accumulators, which consists of 2 native field elements. However, it doesn't
/// make the protocol sound. We must absorb, in addition to that the index,
/// the application inputs/outputs.
/// It is left for the future as at this time, we're still sketching the
/// verifier circuit.
/// The number of selectors used in the circuit.
pub const NUMBER_OF_SELECTORS: usize = column::Gadget::COUNT;
/// The arity of the multivariate polynomials describing the constraints.
/// We consider, erroneously, that a public input can be considered as a
/// column and fit an entire polynomial. This is subject to change, as most
/// values considered as public inputs at the moment are fixed for the
/// relation. We also suppose that the private inputs on the next row can be
/// used, hence the multiplication by two.
/// It is going to be used to convert into the representation used in [mvpoly].