pub fn init_cell<F: PrimeField, T, const W: usize>(
witness: &mut [Vec<F>; W],
offset: usize,
row: usize,
col: usize,
cell: usize,
index: usize,
layout: &[Vec<Box<dyn WitnessCell<F, T, W>>>],
variables: &Variables<'_, T>
Expand description
Initialize a witness cell based on layout and computed variables Inputs:
- witness: the witness to initialize with values
- offset: the row offset of the witness before initialization
- row: the row index inside the partial layout
- col: the column index inside the witness
- cell: the cell index inside the partial layout (for any but IndexCell, it must be the same as col)
- index: the index within the variable (for IndexCell, 0 otherwise)
- layout: the partial layout to initialize from
- variables: the hashmap of variables to get the values from