utop # let a _ = printf "hey\n";;
val a : 'a -> unit = <fun>
utop # let a unit = printf "hey\n";;
val a : 'a -> unit = <fun>
utop # let a () = printf "hey\n";;
val a : unit -> unit = <fun>
utop # a ();;
utop # let a ~thing = printf "hey %s\n" thing;;
val a : thing:string -> unit = <fun>
utop # let a ?thing lol = match thing with
| Some x -> printf "%s %s\n" x lol
| None -> printf "%s\n" lol;;
val a : ?thing:string -> string -> unit = <fun>
utop # a "hey";;
utop # a ~thing:"hello" "world";;
hello world
utop # let a ?thing () = match thing with
| Some x -> printf "some: %s\n" x
| None -> printf "none\n";;
utop # a ();;